First up was taking in the Barbie Exhibition, as it was ending by the 27th of this month.... over 100 Barbie dolls and accessories - from Vintage (1959) to Modern) - all on loan from local Taiwanese Designer & Personality (and a personal friend) Goji Lin... It was GREAT seeing the exhibition... seeing so much Barbie & Friends out on view.... sadly, for someone like me, it was quite unorganized.... no real rhyme or reason for the way all was displayed... I saw and heard quite a few oooohs and aaaaahs from many visitors - young and old....
See more of the Photos Here: Barbie Fashion Box
Next up for me was the LEGO Exhibition.... in one word: AMAZING!!! This is not your childhood LEGO art, of course... instead, they are all AMAZING WORK intricate work of art by Nathan Sawaya - already all his LEGO work that has been exhibited worldwide. And it isn't just that each pice consists of hundreds, and thousands even, of LEGO pieces - each ARTWORK is well thought of and even comes with such sentiments behind their creations....
The Three Pieces I Love Most from the Exhibition!
And Sunday, after Church, I decided to make is a Sunday Art Stroll by heading to the Zhongshan Underground MRT Station Area all the way to MOCA.... always have great installations from local artists - both up and coming and well known.... the sliding gate from each shop alone are great canvases...
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