I first met Jhay back in June of 2005.... while visiting my Dad at his home.... Jhay is the son of my Dad's youngest brother.... and it seems he also had the pleasure of living with my Dad for a while... many of our relatives and people that got to meet us both feels that we look-a-like and that we are similar in more ways than one... am told that he is just as friendly and as sweet, as I(hehehehehehe.... and that we smile alike.... and from the very first meeting, I could not help but agree.... he actually reminds me of myself - when I was his age....
So over the years we get to know each other more.... but alas, distance and our busy scheds (he is a Flight Attendant for Philippine Airlines) do not allow us to get together much.... so it was much to my pleasure that he was actually able to come for a visit, even though it was only for 3 days... we made the most of these three days... went here and there... ate this and that.... and chatted a lot about life, loves and of course, family... needless to say it was GREAT to catch up... learn more about my family, and my Dad, from someone who was there... TRULY enjoyed his visit - and I cannot wait for the next one, hopefully if his sched permits, this coming September....
PHOTO ALBUMS of Jhay's visit - May 24th thru the 27th:
Day 1 - Taipei 101, Warner Village & Roa He Night Market
Day 2 - LongShan Temple, Sie Men Ding, CKS Memorial Hall & IKEA with Ann & David
Day 3 - POOL & Water Spa Relaxation plus Dan Shuie