So another Birthday has come and gone... This time around I did not get to go back to Manila and celebrate with my family like I have the last 2 or 3 years.. Just did not work out well, schedule wise... Will be there in July to celebrate...
Instead, I stayed in rainy Taiwan and babysat Juju, whi did jot have school, as it is also the start of the Dragon Boat Festival Weekend.. We trekked on to 1914 Huashan Creative n Cultural Park to get into an exhibition... Sadly, being the holiday that it was, the lines were too long and waiting out in the rain was not a good thing..,... Still it was good enough as we got to walk around and checkout the boutiques... Got entertained by local singer Jeff Huang, and even got to stop by Church for me to give thanks for another blessed year!!!
Truly am Grateful for having been blessed with another year full of fun memories, travels, family and friends!!! And with mo major disappointments or disastrrs fotbthat matter. Here's hoping this new year will be even more special... And of course, smooth!!!
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