Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Love Life

"Love Life"
Been a crazy, tiring, frustrating, full, exciting, draining few weeks...  First the High of the Maldives Adventure..  Then the strain and pressure of getting out if our home for a complete renovation...  Had to get everything out and packed in a two week span...  So It was packing all day n all night - in between taking care of the regular biz and daily life chores and dramas...

There were days when I felt soooo tired and hopeless...  Helpless even when the back gives out😒😒😒. Still, life goes on and must do what we is needed to complete the tasks at hand...  

Now we are all done..  Can relax a bit and focus more on work...  And hope and pray all will turn out just the way we wish it regarding the home renovation..   With less damages and less snafus on the construction part...πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

Looking back, now that am able to sit and really enjoy a cup of coffee again - I smile and Give Thanks for my life...  For the life I have had so far.....  It is not perfect..  It is even too crazy  and too much drama at times - but I do love my life...  All of it...  The ups and the downs..  The tears of joys and sadness...  And the people who remain dear in my heart...  The "gone but not forgotten" Friends, family, love ones...  The dearly departed...  All of you...  my kind, loving, thoughtful friends and acquaintances (in life and FB) - you all add a little something, a little color and a lot if life in my humble life.

Thank You Lord and Thank You All!!!πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

Friday, November 13, 2015

Off we go again......

So looking forward to this Summer Vacation in the Winter😜😜😜.
What is that, you ask?  Stay Tuned and you will see...
This time around, it will be Juju, GioGio, Johnny GeGe and I only...  
It will be an adventure to say the least - am sure!!!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Letting Go...

Letting go helps us live in a more peaceful state of mind and  restores our balance.  This also frees us from unnecessary stress.  It allows others to be responsible for themselves and for us to take our hands off situations that do not belong to us. 
#RandomThoughts #MyKindofMondayBlues

Friday, September 4, 2015



"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."
-George Bernard Shaw
TGIF - Fun Friday All!!!

Friday's swertbtreat : McDonald's Taiwan's latest offering - Pineapple Pie..  Soooo delicious!!!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Chinese Ghost Month

Here's to a Safe Chinese Ghost Month for Us All!!!πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ
For More Info Click Here:

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Pink It Is!!!

So there was a time I did not like Pink at all...  Would not wear anything Pink.. Nor would I give Pink colored toys a chance..  Not even any Barbie in Pink (except the classic Enchanted Evening - of course!)
- I used to hate that Pink was Barbie's signature color... This fact always made my collector friends laugh...😜😜😜 I was also not much into most of the Sanrio characters... Too girly and frothy...  In the 80's I liked only Badz Maru - he is black color and he rocks!!!  

Fast forward to a year after Juju was born...  She is sooo girly,  her fave color is Pink... Everything Pink and everywhere Pink!!!  So naturally, I was won over..  I warmed up to Pink..  And Hello Kitty & Friends...  So much so that I now collect some of  them...  Plus Pink has become a staple in my own wardrobe😝😝😝
#Pink #RandomThoughts #OnWednesdaysWeWearPink #JujuSnaps

And today, we went all out and atteded the 40th Anniversary Exhibition for both My Melody and Twin Stars...  Wearing Pink, of course!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Keep Safe All!!!

Typhoon season is upon us once more... And our first big one is happening right now...  Been on the weather watch all week long and as predicted, it hit us here in Taipei last nite...  And still raging on today....
Was awaken just a little after 6am by a loud breaking sound...  Got up to look and saw our first major casualty😒😒😒
All these photos I took this morning..  Braved the weather for a bit, stepped out in front of my home and took these snaps.. These are all on my block...

In less than a minute, I was soaking wet..  And forget the umbrella..  That's a goner...  Can only Imagine how everywhere else has fared...

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Starting the end of the week off with a little cardio run at the gym...  Though it is nice and sunny out, just way too hot for a run by the river... Always thankful that San Ming Gym is located on the 9th floor and has a great view... Makes running indoors bearable...


We all have heard it a thousand times over..  
But truly, it is as simple as this: "Smile, and the world smiles with you."
Beautiful Sunday Ahead All!
#365SmileProject #Smile #Positivities #GoodVibes

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Just being given another day is already enough to be Thankful for...  
The rest of the day - added bonus!πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ
Terrific Thursday All!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Keeping It Real!

Need not walk on eggshells on my account..  I can take it... Say what you want, what you will, about me...   Attacks and Innuendos I take with a grain of salt...  In in one ear, out the other....  
Truly just let it all roll off my sleeves...   

None of it makes me any less the person I am...
Am really just one less friend that I Thought I had...  
#OverIt #KeepingItReal #Positivites

Monday, June 8, 2015

Another Year Older

Yes, that's right...  Am a year older once more...  
As always, One can only hope that am wiser, too...
So much has happened the last year...  Some setbacks, dramas, and heartaches....  But Am Thankful that for the most part, the good and the Blessings outweighs all the negativities and bad things.  

I think the two biggest things that I am happy I have learned this past year are, to quote Elsa, "to just "Let It Go!"  This past year, i have learned to 1) just ignore all the negative people...  To still be polite but keep away from their  dramas.... To not be dragged...    
And 2)  I have learned that there is no helping some...  It is best to let them be, to let them find their own way...  As helping makes matters worse - makes them worse as people.
It seems the older I get, the more accepting I am of things and of people's attitudes.  I just keep doing what I do best...  And that's living my own life..  Loving those whom I love...   Helping and doing what I can... Accepting those I cannot change...  Ignoring the Haters and the Gossip Mongers...  And most of all, never letting anyone take away my SMILE or change the way I want to see the world.
Thank you to my family, friends, and acquaintances for being a part of my life...  For inspiring me..,,  and for keeping me Real and Smiling!  Here's to more years of togetherness, sharing Positivities and Good Vibes...  And spreading Kindness and Smiles around - and just Be Happy....  After all, "The Best Things In Life Are Free!!!"

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Swimming with Juju!

"Am Just A Little Girl!"
Conversations with Juju
2nd June 2015

Swimming with Juju is getting a lot more fun now...  Little by little, she is getting braver and braver...  The last few times, am able to get her to swim with her paddle board in the longer pool - where people really do laps... Longer and deeper...

We compromise, 10 laps - a snack break  - then another 10 laps.  One way I swim back float pulling her...  the  other way she kicks with the board on her own...  10Xs laps, then break to eat her cookies n drink then 10 laps again!!!  

She did not complain at all or pretend to be scared and ask me to hold her...  So i kept telling her she is doing good - to which she replies: "I am Supergirl".  

In the last few laps though she was getting slower.  So I was telling her: "OMG, what happened Supergirl, why are you getting slow?"  She stopped kicking, looked me straight in the eyes and said without blinking: " Am just a little girl, you know!"  Then continued on with her lap.

I laughed so much...  I was so elated with our swim, i forgot that she IS just a little girl!😜😜😜
Yep..  We try to make everyday and everything FUN!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

June Again!!!

It's s June once again... Almost half a year over..  And it means  I will be a yeal older again...  Ouuuuuch!!!  

But such is life...  I can only hope am getting wiser with time... Last moth was a bit trying..  Too many dramas - family n work.... I hope June will be a better month - and if not, will just do what I always do, GO WITH THE FLOW!!!

Starting off the wek, the month with what 
I like Best - burning off the Monday Blues ( and a few calories too, I hope..) at the Gym.

Have a great month of June all!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Keep Smiling

As I see it, Life as it is with Selfies, you gotta take a lot of shots to get that one shot you like... (Mind you am not talking about the super photoshopped ones that you do not even recognize your own self.)  It's the one or two  shots you are truly happy with...  The one that  you post and hope your friends and contacts will like, too...  
But in case they do not, you just have "Keep Smiling" anyway...  What really matters is that you can  look at the photo (or your life for that matter) and know that it is the real you, the best of you,...  the one where your True Personality comes through...  

Still, we all know that we cannot possibly be liked by everyone,  nor can we possibly like everyone...  What matters is that we can look at ourselves in the mirror and genuinely like what we see..  That we can be happy with what we put out there...  To know that we are not there to harm, stir troubles, or  spread negativity...  Instead,  to actually spread happiness and hope that we make others smile in our own little ways...  
And to have one or two friends (as well as other FB friends) like that selfie shot is just an added bonus.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

The Month of May.. Used to be it just signifies the freshness of Spring Blooms and Summer Rains...  Of Celebrating Moms all over the world...  All of it equals Love Love Love!!!
But for me, May, now also marks the Anniversary of Mom's passing...  When she finally lost her battle with Breast Cancer...  This year will be the 3rd Anniversary of her passing. So for me, each year, May will be forever bittersweet...
Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day, Mom! 

There are times when I wish I could see you again- even for just a day..  Even in my dreams...  You are surely missed, and am happy to keep you in my thoughts and heart everyday.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Green Day

Wow.. Feb sure went by fast...  Not only because it is the shortest month but with all the Holidays thrown in (VDay, Chinese NY...) things were just too busy to even know the days flying by...
So here we are ..  The month of March upon us..  Almost time to welcome the First Day of spring with the flowers blooming - and the smell of refreshing days in the air.   
It is also the month we get to celebrate St Patrick's Day - so time to color the days Green! Starting with dressing Green the first day of the month!

Have a Marvelous Month of March Everyone!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

It's that Old Devil Called Love!

Here we go again...   way into the LOVE MONTH ....  actually in just one more day (Taiwan Time) it will be Valentine's Day once more....  A day of Flowers, Chocolates and other Love Gifts - Big or Small - all to profess Love to our significant others, or those we wish would be our significant others.  As Christmas and Thanksgiving is a time for all loved ones - family and friends, Valentine's Day gets a bit more exclusive and personal - mainly meant for partners, lovers, significant others!
I for one, just like any other Holiday, get excited over this....  not so much anymore about flowers or chocolates I used to expect - but more now, about that something in the air that makes most people smile a bit more....  be loving a bit more....  and we all know, we could always use a bit more loving in this world!  So enjoy the Special Day Lovers....   it matters not what you do, what you get, what words are uttered or not uttered....  what matters is that you are with someone you love.... and God willing , someone that Loves you, too!!! 
And if so happen that you find yourself single on this day - go and enjoy the day still....  share it with a good friend, with family, or even just by yourself doing something you absolutely Love!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

1st of the many, I Hope!

So we are off to a hood start in the Travel department, as I was Blessed enough to have been able to Travel this past January...  For over two weeks!!!
It matters not that it was just in the Philippines - Again!!! - as this time around I got to:

-Visit 2 new Destinations: Baler and La Union..  
-Wander about and see some old historical and marvelous churches....  
-And got to visit the island of Puerto Galera once more!!!
Yep, Yep... you read that right....  we hit a total of  3 BEACHES!!!   Just in time too as it was the perfect getaway from the cold and dreary winter of Taipei.....   First stop was Baler....  a looong drive from Manila but soooooo worth it....  they call themselves the Surfing Capital of the Philippines and judging by the folks surfing - locals and tourists alike - it surely looks like it!
The second beach town was La Union... used to be surfing Haven before it all moved to Baler...  I requested this place as I really wanted to stay at Thunderbird Resorts....  The Greek decor inspired resort that I first got to see in the movie, "The Other Woman", a few years back... and have been admiring posts by other on Facebook and Instagram....  It was A OK....  not as IMPRESSIVE as it looks in photos....  pricey for what it had to offer... but it helped that there were not many people staying at the time we were there... got to enjoy the pool very much...  especially since no one can really swim on their private beach...

a few days break back in Manila and we headed back to Puerto Galera in Mindoro....  it has been many years since we were there last, about 2008, and it was great to be back... has changed... has grown... and just have so much more to offer - young and adults alike...  the waters were so calm... not too cold....   even Juju did not scared and swam every chance she got....   The nightlife is soooo much fun - even if you do not drink....   lively entertainment right along the beach... one after another....  our last nite, we even went from venue to venue to venue... not wanting to miss out on anything...
I truly had a WONDERFUL TIME this trip....  it was a promising start to a brand new year of travels - and I hope that it will be just like that - full of firsts, fun times, unforgettable memories....  Here's Hoping and Praying!!!  
You can see more photos of the trip by CLICKING HERE!