PHOTO LEFT: We are Cousins alright.... even in clothing we matched without knowing - LOL!
Am not complaining... am HAPPY to see my cousin here again... I do not get a visit from family or friends that often - so each and every time is MOST WELCOMED!!! Just a matter of time management and making the most of things.... making it all work out.....
Since his arrival the 29th, we have been on the go... with Jewel in tow... First day, after I met him at the bus drop in the SongShan Airport, we took in the view at the Airport's Observatory Deck.... and had a lite lunch in MOS Burger..... then we went back home, waited for Jewel to be dropped off and headed to Miramar area to take in the buildings.... the views... and of course, ride the Taipei Eye on top of the Miramar Mall..... This is my 5th or 6th time riding this Giant Ferris Wheel and I still am scared of it...LOL....even Jewel was a lot more at ease on her 2nd venture on this ride... not sure what it is, I really cannot get over this, somewhat, fear of heights......
Right after, we window shopped a lot..... enjoyed the little rides for Juju.... and then we had a Japanese Dinner - Tonkatsu, Sushi & Sashimi, Oh My!.... it was culinary Heaven!!!! we were all so stuffed right after, we did not even have room for dessert..... IMAGINE ME saying NO to Desserts.... not a common thing.... hahahahahahahaha...
It was already night when we headed back home..... tired but happy.... and even happier as we got to see the night lights of MIRAMAR before heading back home.... such a pretty sight!!!
Fay 2: March 1st
Today was Museum day..... I went for a morning run... then Jhay and I got ready and went to the market to look around and pick up something light for Lunch.... Pancakes and Taho.... as we were still stuffed from the steamed PORK BUNS for breakfast....
After JUJU arrived, we right away took the 307 bus and headed on to the MOCA district.... I know that I have not brought Jhay there yet and it is such a place that is always worth visiting - for the cool, modern exhibitions - and even cooler area to walk about.....
we had such a GREAT TIME taking photos of/and with the different art pieces sprinkled all around the area of the Museum.... Cool, Colorful & FUN! Even prettier and brighter on this sunny day.....
Then it was onto the Museum to take in the AUSSIE EXHIBIT: WONDERLAND....various installations from many of Australia's cool and popular artists - in different mediums..... as always, it is a GREAT SELECTION of pieces exhibited....
Tonight's Dinner Choice was Shabu Shabu.... Always a FUN and Filling Choice! Something for everyone... including Juju!!!
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