Saturday, Nov. 15th: After a whole week of basically NON-STOP rain - starting last Sat. - we finally got to see the sun today... It was blue skies and just the right amount of breeze in the air... Of course it is a NO BRAINER! Right away, after a cup of coffee, we got ready and hopped on our bikes to ride around the DaJia River, same area where we run all the time... Today, we decided to go as far as we can -- and ENJOY a leisurely ride with occasional stops for some photo ops...
The ride, for the most part, is pretty easy as most of the way it was flat... and the bicycle lanes are wide enough for both going and coming back, plus for passing others... and on days like these, you will be needing to pass up a lot of riders, as soooo many families love to ride together in close proximity of each other.... and too leisurely for our speed...The Route was just beautiful!!! We rode for miles and miles -- reaching Guandu Temple in less than an hour - which would normally take us an hour or so by car!!! Right around the area is a little TOURISTY area where you can get some local delicacies... and that WE DID, of course!!! After getting some food in our tummy, we continued on with our trip... Rode for another hour to reach the end of our destination, Bali Township. Here one can enjoy the Bali Left Bank Park with all types of Cafe's lined up overlooking the water; the Bali Boat Club (where they happen to have a Wind Sailing Event going on); & Shisanhang Shell Mound - the end of the road, where one can reach the waters - too bad it is not a swimming area but fishing is allowed.
Again, such a beautiful route to ride, and it made us realized by looking at the various maps en route, that Taipei is really a BIKE-FRIENDLY place! We got back home after 2PM - it was basically a 6 hour ride - with stops here and there... Our legs are tired... my hands are sun burnt (talk to me about that later!)... but we are two happy campers, bikers really... what a GREAT way to take advantage of a Beautiful Day! This I can do every other week, even once a week if not too sunny... But what is this I see??? Yikes, David is already planning our next route... WAAAAAH!!!!
Noir et Blanc
*We are not forgetting the bigger dolls, that's for sure!!! Introducing
"Noir et Blanc" - our brand new collaboration with FuZin - made especially
for th...
8 years ago
Wow! What a beautiful day for you and David! Gorgeous pictures, Rudi.
It's been pretty cold and dreary here lately, and it started raining last night and hasn't yet stopped. I don't want to do anything right now - especially go outside. :)
..and am really glad we did Mary - as the RAIN already came back today... haaays, what a difference a day makes!!!
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