Here in Manila... doing my time... family bonding and obligations... happy to say that things are fine with my MOM... she is in great spirits and is doing fine... got to visit my Dad's grave and pay mty respects - even before ALL SOUL's Day... even getting to have some downtime for myself - catching up on PRISON BREAK... and so far only one family drama... YEAH!!!!!!
The BEST part of being here right now is seeing all the GREAT XMAS displays -- and lots of it - up already.... The PAROLS... XMas Trees.... Bright and FESTIVE lite displays.... my Fave, Shangrila Mall is all aglow in XMas spirits already... see photo below...AM LOVING IT!!!
So all these XMasness is putting me into better spirits... happy, festive mood... and looking forward to more brightness to come....
Hope all is GREAT, or at least QUIET, in your neck of the woods...
Noir et Blanc
*We are not forgetting the bigger dolls, that's for sure!!! Introducing
"Noir et Blanc" - our brand new collaboration with FuZin - made especially
for th...
8 years ago
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