Monday, January 23, 2012

how do you measure HAPPINESS?

Happiness means sooo many different things for so many of us.....   some with goods we acquire; some with the culinary treats we consume; some the experiences from the travels we do; a night out with friends or that special someone; and of course, times shared with family....  in my book, they re all good...  these and many other little things can bring so much Happiness in one's life....   Last week, I had just that....   a few of that really....  but lacking a god NET CONNECTION, I was not able to share them - so will have to catch up this week and share what I can, as time permits...  

Possibly the BEST source of HAPPINESS for me this trip to see and be with Mom, happened when we were able to attend Mass together at Antipolo Cathedral....  it meant so much to me, as my Mom made extra efforts, mustered up a lot of strength to fulfill a promise made to me last XMas....  that on my next trip, she will be strong enough to attend Mass with me.   And though I could see such Pain in her eyes, went she did...  with me and my Stepfather....

It was such a great feeling being there with her...  not only because I knew she was doing this to fulfill a promise to me... but I could also see that it was something she wanted to really do....  and made her happier that she was able to get ut and do this....  gave her  bit more hope - and not just feel that she is to just wait for the time to come - just sitting on her sofa, that she also sleeps in...  and stare out longingly -day in, day out....  such an emotional thing, seeing her do her rosary with tears streaming down her face....   i actually had to go out towards the end - so as i can let my own tears fall without her seeing....

Though the church is just 15 mins away by Tricycle from her home, it still took it's toll as the road is not too smooth.... the bumps on the road can took a bit of strain on her frail condition... but the trooper that she is, you could not even see it in photos - as she willingly smiled....   and this smile, for me, was worth so much more than diamonds and gold....  

Everyday that we have my Mom in this life, is a MIRACLE for me....   have to Treasure each and every single moment with her....

Saturday, January 14, 2012

SpongeBob Goes High Fashion!

SpongeBob,  the iconic cartoon character has been turned by Dutch illustrator Mike Frederiqo into some of fashions most familiar faces - the likes of  Marc Jacobs, Karl Lagerfeld, Coco Chanel, Terry Richardson, Pharrell Williams, and my PERSONAL FAVE from the bunch,Takashi Murakami have all seen themselves immortalised as a Sponge!

Beautiful Skies

....that is just what I had for this Saturday Morning run.....  it was exhilarating and beautiful!!   Made for a Wonderful run and sets the spirits soaring.....  Wish you all have a Beautiful Saturday, as well....
 "Nothing is predestined:
The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings."

Friday, January 13, 2012

Eeeeeek, it's Friday The 13th!!!

wow... it totally escaped me that it is Friday the 13th once more.... was just reminded by someone posting about it on Facebook.... so take note all... be extra careful... be wary or strangers bearing gifts... and even friends and lovers being extra nice...
They Just Might Swallow You Whole!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Be@rbricks Addiction!

yep...  as if I needed to take on another thing to take up my time, I have now started a new blog spotlighting one of my Obsessions, Be@rbricks...  I figured, with the growing number of them coming to live with me - they needed their own showcase - so if you are a fellow Be@rbrick Lover or just in love looking at Vinyl Cuties - do check out the new page....
Rudi X Be@rbricks

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

SECRETS: Series 23 Be@rbrick

Most of you, am sure have seen photos of the newly released Series 23 Be@rbrick Collection....  but just in case you missed them, here they are again - all 8 of them:
How many are you getting???   I like almost all of them...  but will have to have better self control - so am sticking to the 4 on the TOP ROW....  :)


"...we all wear masks...  everyone...  everyday...
and sometimes, we wear them so much
we forget who we really are...

But sometimes, if we are Lucky...
Someone comes along and shows us who
we really wanna be...  who we should be...."

Monday, January 2, 2012

IPad2 Finally!!!

Yes!!! What a way to start the New Year.... Yesterday David bought himself an iPad2 - after months of coaxing by, not only myself but also his Lyn & Shaun.... We were correct all along... We knew he would love it instantly and enjoy having it.... Already he has downloaded sooooo many different applications... And he is not to be seen without it.... Before going to bed.. And as soon as he awaken... LOL....

Today, he Decided to get one for his sister, Liya.... And while at the shop, he also decided I need one, too... Who am I to argue... :). So VOILA! I have me an iPad2, Finally! And this being my first BLOG post using it....

Thanks Mr. Wu!!!