What a WONDERFUL Afternoon.... truly some of the BEST on display = both known and unknown to me..... so many I would have loved to have taken home - and one could as most on display were also For Sale - if only they were not as Expensive as they were.... but DEFINITELY WORTH THE PRICES.... so instead, we feasts our eyes on all the visual delights upon us.... and Thank God we were allowed to take photos for the most part... so we can remember some of the ones we loved at the exhibition, and share them all with you, too
What a WONDERFUL Afternoon.... truly some of the BEST on display = both known and unknown to me..... so many I would have loved to have taken home - and one could as most on display were also For Sale - if only they were not as Expensive as they were.... but DEFINITELY WORTH THE PRICES.... so instead, we feasts our eyes on all the visual delights upon us.... and Thank God we were allowed to take photos for the most part... so we can remember some of the ones we loved at the exhibition, and share them all with you, too
Art Taipei is an annual event that normally runs one week long.... usually runs every August... and artists, museums, galleries from all over the world participates and bring over some of their Best Work to display, sell & share with critics, media, and art lovers alike.... and there is definitely something for everyone - not one particular art style.... not one particular art medium... anything & everything can be viewed and admired..... A Few Standouts For Me: 

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