Earlier this month, we took a two day trek down south (Kaohsiung) to visit.... hung out with The Wus, run by Love River, play with the doggies... and of course, catch up with the boys - Todd & Jason.... always FUN to see and chat with them.... hear what they are up to.... see what's the latest they are doing.....
Todd is currently finishing up college, then he will go on to take his Masters for another 3 more years.... Still with the same girlfriend and still keeping himself busy with both school & work....

Jason is now, also in college, and still working his way through it.... keeping life in a balance.... the thing that I love about this boy is that he is not one to shy away from work, any kind of work.... over the years I have known and visited him in his various jobs: Yamazaki as a Bread Maker, Ramen Resto, Tom's Ice Cream Parlor & have now recently started working for Sushi Express - much like the Sushi Boat restos of the Us - where one can satisfy their Sushi cravings by simply taking them from the conveyor that goes around and around.... and later on, all the empty dishes will be counted and you are billed...
This particular branch (they have many nationwide) is quite big.... even bigger than the ones I have been to in the US..... and yes it IS fun to sit and chat; watch all the tempting Sushi go around and around; and of course, eat as much as one can - and ate we did!!! It was amazing how in such a short time we have accumulated/piled up so many empty sushi plates to be counted... LOL!

As always, the trip is hurried, tiring but still a lot of FUN!!!
Laifu Day Photos Here
Sushi Outing Photos Here
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