Sunday, October 31, 2010

Taipei Pride - FINALLY!!!

A little over 10 Years of living in Taiwan and I FINALLY got to see / attend the Annual Taiwan Pride Parade.... LOL.... Not because I never wanted to before... more like, I was never, ever around during the other times... either out of town or out of the country.... hard to also plan on this as it happens always in Autumn / Winter time... and am soooo used to San Francisco's annual summer time gay pride parades... where one can really dressed down and show lots of skins.... but that's another time, another story...

Anyway, so we braved the rain and coldness (bundled up a lot) to head down the Parade Route.... an hour's bus ride away.... it was TRULY WORTH IT for me, quite a lot of fun seeing so many beautiful people - just Happy and Proud to show off their TRUE COLORS.... and such beautiful colors they are, that of the Rainbow Flag.... all these peeps braving the rain and coldness - to show their Pride Colors...Because of the weather, i truly did not expect people to show lots of skins... but really, enough people did.... all sizes and shapes.... letting it all hang out.... almost makes one strip down and join in on the fun and the dancing about on the streets.... Braver and Bolder Peeps, I say!!!The whole contingencies are pretty International, too.... lots of EX PATS participating with their friends and better halves.... some great costumes.... a few really phenomenal Drags (i believe from the lad of Down Under)... parents, siblings, friends, and Pets - all rallying with their love ones... and Taiwan's Premiere Gay Dance Clubs, Funky (already a Legend) & JUMP (hip & trendy newcomer), were represented by floats - complete with hotties dancing about.... So many beautiful, indeed!!!

Even my fellow revelers were soooo diverse... young and old alike... some came scantily dressed (saw a man from Japan dressed in just his speedo & a rain jacket alone... and some came overly dressed, but just right for the current weather conditions (like me!)... No matter, a Fun Time was had by all of us spectators, that's for sure.....

Friday, October 29, 2010


Was supposed to meet up with Juliana today at Chili's for lunch - but due to a few unforeseen stuff she had to deal with at work, we had to cancel till next Monday.... Too bad as my taste buds were already salivating from some Chili Goodies.... Oh well, just a few days more... hehehehehehe....

But since there was a break from the rain today -- not even a drop of drizzle this Friday afternoon -- I decided to take advantage of it and went for a looong walk... here and there... nowhere really in mind... just wanted to get out and enjoy being out for a change instead of being stuck in the cold indoors - like the past few days..... I was also in search of, if any, Halloween windows.... as it is the Halloween Weekend, after all....

Anyway, found myself at IKEA.... always a FUN & FAVE PLACE to visit... anyhow, I wanted to pick up a STUFFED TOY for baby Jewel - and I know they always have a nice selection of really cute and colorful ones on display and available for purchase.... and I did find out.... this really cute Pale Green Frog wearing a top with Angel wings.... HOW CUTE IS THAT!!!And of course, since am already there - i decided to look around and snap a few photos.... they always have fun and colorful displays... and always something new to offer to the mass shoppers.... the added bonus was that their XMas display & merchandise are already up... scattered throughout the shop and of course, a large section devoted to the "God Jul" line before one exits to pay... Great marketing strategy - No one will be able to resist their INEXPENSIVE Xmas Offerings.... for sure!!!! Myself Included... I was sooooo close to breaking down and buying a few things for my XMas Decor this year, especially after seeing the cute little Gnome ornaments and the Straw Reindeers in various sizes and in Natural or Red colors.... just too cute.... but I held off buying for now -- guess my mind was still more focused on Halloween....


Another HumDrum Halloween

The start of the weekend is upon us once more.... and this Friday marks the beginning of the Halloween Weekend for most people all over the world... well, most... sadly not for me.... I cannot even remember when is the last time I actually celebrated Halloween - much less, dress up..... and NO, Age has nothing to do with it... hahahahahaha More like, really no opportunity to do so.... at least not here in Taipei.... unless I join the little kiddies of various Babysitting Companies to go Trick Or Treating.... or get down with all the EX PATS at various Pubs - drinking the night away.... Most of you that knows me, for sure will agree, i would rather do the former.... the latter is just not my thing... hahahahahaAnyway... I wish you all, those of you getting to Celebrate this FUN Holiday, a FUN and very SAFE Halloween!!! ENJOY!!!!
"Terrible Twosome" - as I refer to them..... am so COVETING these two little guys to join my collection of Taiwan Premium Toys.... and they are PROVING QUITE HARD TO GET!!! should have know - just take a look - they already look mischievously wicked... in every way.... the Promo to get them will be expiring soon after Halloween is over - and sadly, I still do not have enough to REDEEM another chance to get at least one, much more both of them.... OH WELL.... Yahoo Auctions here I come!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Moving On....

“No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?”
-Elbert Hubbard

Nice quote, indeed.... but how true is this for each of us.... we all have our own definition of what is expected of us in regards to our own families.... all of these are dictated, for the most part, by our upbringing, our childhood, and the life we lead into our own adulthood...

I find that nowadays, it is soooo easy to "blame our childhood" -- mostly, for the bad turn of events in our lives.... I mean, not many people will actually jump for joy at the happiest times or victories in their adult life, and thank their parents for their upbringing.... most will relegate it to hard work, and their own focus and determination in life, or maybe even their own family.... But in times of despairs and defeats, most blames what was lacking in their upbringing.... neglect of ones parents.... and better yet, NO LOVE or SUPPORT from one's parents.... But "How far & how much must we Blame?" and "How Long Must we go on Blaming?" and worse, "Even remember even sadder moments of one's childhood that never even truly happened!" At times, some of us gets carried away with our sad memories that they end up being blown out of proportions; and things that never happened seemed to materialized in our minds... and they become so real that they get incorporated to ones childhood suffering memories...

Sadly, I see a lot of these with my very own family.... and it is a vicious circle - and one that seems to not have an end looming anytime in the near future... and even sadder, it gets to me more than anything.... I have wrestled with these emotions with so many members of my family - as I cannot quite comprehend the idea of blaming others for how our lives turned.... I mean, I can relate and understand having a really bad childhood upbringing.... feeling no love or support from anyone at all - truly a sad thing, especially when there is no family when you need them the most... so this is something we do not have any control over.... and I feel, we just make do with what we have and try to get by during these years... till you are old enough to MOVE ON and take matters in your own hands... do what you can to help Navigate your DESTINY... put the Future in your own Hands, so to speak.... and when this time comes, then we have no one else to "blame" or "pat in the back" but ourselves in however our lives may turn out.... as it should be....

So, I say, "Let's All Grow Up Already!" and "Stop All The Blaming and Move On..." all these blaming will lead nowhere but more sadness, more hurt, and more riffs between all the family.... we all need to just get passed the Past, no matter how hurtful we may remember them to be (but of course, NEVER FORGET -- big difference there...) and Move On.... as the world turns and evolves, so Must We.... Forget all the hurt.... be at Peace with one's self.... it is the only thing we can do - to make our life, and those of others affected, more Peaceful....

And though I write this now, in hopes that it will be read and taken into consideration... I also know, am aware, that coming to terms with ourselves requires a lot out of each and everyone of us.... and we all have to do so in our own terms.. at our own individual pace.... but we must also realize that every moment that passes by, are moments we lose out on time that can be spent with love ones...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

fred perry X amy winehouse

Love her or Hate her, one thing is certain this fall - you will go Ga Ga over Amy Winehouse's designs for Fred Perry.... They have just been unveiled as part of the Fred Perry Women's Fall Collection.... and La Winehouse even graced her and Perry fans alike with a mini gig on Oct. 21st, in London to help Debut the capsule collection... Of Course, she sported one of the many designs.....

This mini collectiondesigned by Amy Winehouse is said to include about 17 pieces of apparel and accessories. The Collaboration is expected to push Fred Perry womenswear to a new space on the fashion stage, one that will definitely, confronts expectations and stretches conventional views of the brand - For Sure!

It is no secret, her love for Fred Perry, as in numerous occasions she has sported the clothing giant's many designs... But she did voice out at one point that for most, she was too small to fit into his clothes, which started at a size 8. She wears a UK size 6, you see (one size bigger than a US 0) -- so to remedy this, she decided to expand her collection line for Fred Perry to include size 6, for skinny girls like her.
I actually do like some of her designs for Fred Perry.... am surprised and amazed.... and again, if you are not a big fan of Amy - just imagine her designs on yourself, or some of the models around and am sure, you too, will love the line....
So now, you can count Miss Winehouse, as one of the Ultra Cool Designers for Fred Perry, too!

Amy Models Some of the Designs

Amy dons one of her designs from the collection during the line's launch party..

Monday, October 25, 2010

more more moore, julianne moore, that is!!!

‎"we all want to look the Best that we can, but you also need to like who you are..."
-Julianne Moore

Could not have said it any better... I quite agree.... and this i find, to be expected, from this classy, talented, humanitarian actress.... one whom I have loved in just about every movie she has been in (Far From Heaven, Boogie Nights, The Hours, A Single Man, etc..) - even if the movies did not live up to her acting prowess (the very recent Chloe, Jurassic Part II, ASSASSINS & that Sci Fi Screwball with David Duchovny - title escapes me now...)....

So this is how I want to start of my new week - with this quote in mind.... to which am in COMPLETE agreeance with... some of today's starlets/celebrities (Paris Hilton, Britney, and of course La Lohan!!!) should take a cue from this talented woman and be the Role Models they should be... and Give Back some of the Blessings they have received - warranted or not...

Was totally AMAZED as well to know that, this 4 time Oscar nominated Actress, is approaching the 50 year old mark -- she looks far younger than that, of course.... just check out the current BVLGARI print ads... Am sure you will all agree that not only is Julianne Moore is beautiful for her age, or any age for that matter - she is indeed one of the Best Actors Around....

Wow, just though about it - I must be getting in touched with the Feminine side of me as am loving cradling Jewel to sleep; IN LOVE with Julianne Moore; enjoying the Chick Lit, "Eat, Pray, Love".... Thank GOD for some XMEN Cartoon DVD action - I can still keep my pants on and roll with the punches.... which is to say that a woman cannot - on both counts... LOL.....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

shaking off my cold... and everything else...

I came home from Manila last Monday, not only did it seem like I brought the typhoon with me from manila, but I also came home with a cold in tow.... almost a whole week later and am still having dry coughs, and sniffling - though at least, the body aches have waned.... so am hoping it is only just a matter of time before am fully recovered.....

So I have not been doing much except catching up as much as i can with work.... emails.... and various projects.... dealing with much more family troubles -- which I feel, is really adding to my stress and my blood pressure rising.... -- hence, another reason why it is taking me longer to recover from this cold of mine... I really cannot stand any kind of Dramas, more so, Family Dramas....

So with this cold of mine, I also am trying to limit my contact with baby Jewel.... I mean, we go see here everyday... cook and eat at their home but am always wearing a face mask and I try not to touch her as much.... am in constant fear of infecting her and passing on my cold to her..... She has gotten a bit bigger, of course... and much like any babies I have been around with - she has her days or non-stop crying.. and days of quietness.... one thing is for sure, she sure loves the feeling of being held all the time.... no matter what position, it seems, as long as she is held - she sleeps in deep slumber....

Wanted to end the week by attending mass... listening to church music.... and the peace and quiet that comes with praying.... and lighting up candles for my Love Ones.... all of these are stress relievers for me, too.... and though am not soooo Religious, these aspects of the church i do enjoy and look forward to....
The only added bonus for the week came while I was walking after church to get back home... I came across a couple of the Pavilions that are getting their finishing looks for the Grand Opening of the 20101 Taipei International FLora Exhibition.... opening in 13 DAYS!!! So many people were hard at work doing all their best to finish up the different exhibitions.... this time around I got to see parts of the Australian, Thailand & Korean areas... all from the outside, looking in, mind you.... it will be an exciting time here in Taipei, am sure when the Expo finally opens.... it will run through the middle of April 2011 - so plenty of time to book your flights to come and see the Floral Wonders.....

Saturday, October 23, 2010

British Invasion??? -- Bring It On!!!

If this is what they meant about the British Invasion - then Be It!!!
This shot taken during my recent Manila Trip.... Fred Perry @ The Atrium in MegaMall just finished doing their new window display.... and it works for me.... Fun & Stylish, as always.... no wonder they always stay as one of my all time FAVES!!!
NOTE: There are three COOL Fred Perry locations in Manila - each one STAFFED with some of the BEST and FRIENDLIEST people you will ever meet... and not all shops carries the same items so it is ALWAYS worth it to check out all three locations:

-The Laurel at Greenbelt 5, Makati City
-Authentic Shop at Mega Atrium
-Authentic Shop at Rockwell

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bench Goes Ala La Chapelle and then some....

Could not help but notice (and admire & love) Bench's brand new, strikingly colorful, ad campaign featuring Gerald Anderson & Kim Chui.... all the shots are Great and reminiscent of David La Chapelle's work.... as you know he is one of my FAVE artists/photographer.......and as an added BONUS... Bench's "IT BOY" Jake Cuenca is back in more tittilating shots - for a brand new line of Cologne...
You Did Me Proud Bench!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

SMILE (*__*)

This trip I was able to find Complete 1st Season of GLEE on DVD - everyone's Fave TV Show of the moment.... so needless to say, I have been playing it over and over.... even to just have it in the background as I work is such a stress reliever... truly makes me wanna sing and dance with the rest of the cast... the show, the stars, the songs... they all put a SMILE on my face each and every number.... one gets to hear a GREAT MIX of so many songs one grew up plus what is Popular and being overplayed now... (^_*) really something for everyone... not just Broadway Tunes and POP songs, but also Rap, Rock, Funk, etc.....

Could not help but single out this Charlie Chaplin tune - simple and breathtaking... it simple verses can still get to you - and the casts' delivery is a fresh & beautiful take on this old time classic...

Purple Wednesday It Is!!!!

This Wednesday (10/20) – Wear Purple to Remember
Too many young people have taken their lives because of anti-gay bullying. While there has been an outpouring of shock and support from public officials in the form of “It Gets Better” messages, we still must address the deeper societal issues driving a culture of relentless bullying – and we must send a strong message that such a culture is unacceptable.

Wear Purple this Wednesday, October 20 (that's today in my neck of the woods...), and Help participate in a day of remembrance... . The idea for this great event originated online, and nearly one million people are already participating on Facebook.

You can sign and Take the Pledge on Facebook.... and hear/share stories by following this link:

and check out another cool FB site, with lots of great PSA and testimonials from celebrities and ordinary people alike who "Gives A Damn"

"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. "

"If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them."

"In the present circumstances, no one can afford to assume that someone else will solve their problems. Every individual has a responsibility to help guide our global family in the right direction. Good wishes are not sufficient; we must become actively engaged."-- His Holiness the Dalai Lama, from "The Path to Tranquility

Saturday, October 16, 2010

here's hoping UMBRELLAS will be enough....

Manila and the rest of the Philippines is bracing itself once again for another typhoon heading our way- this is from numerous TV NEWS report yesterday....... nothing new, as this is the Typhoon Season once again... Only warnings are already being given that it could or might be as INTENSE as the ONDOY one that DEVASTATED many areas nationwide... causing so much damages and losses - lives included....

This morning I woke up to Glorious Blues Skies.... so, So Far, So Good.... Hope it stays like so.....

So lets' cross our fingers, says prayers and send good vibes to the people of The Philippines and everywhere else being battered by heavy downpour this season.... remember, we are all in this world - TOGETHER!!!

"When the sun shines, we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)"
-Umbrella by Rihanna

Thursday, October 14, 2010


OMG..... i was just thinking about the Halloween project i need to do when i get back to Taiwan - and BOOM, I was hit with nothing sooooo much XMas decors and such - all over Manila.... the ride from the airport to the city was already bursting with the holiday spirits.... then once in the malls - and i mean all of them, and it is Xmas, Xmas, Xmas!!! as if they wanted to skip Halloween altogether (albeit i did see at least a couple of store windows decorated lamely for Halloween....
All U Need for XMas 2010!!! XMAS Section @ SM Mega Mall
XMas Stalls @ Greenhills Shopping Center
Poinsettias For Sale for that early holiday Spirits in your homes...
and to top is all off, I was listening to the radio when The Jackson 5's "Someday at XMas" came on.... WHOAH!!! XMas song in mid OCT!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Haiiiiis PAL...:((

"First in Asia", that is Philippine Airlines much proudly ballyhooed motto.... that is for having the distinction to have National Carrier that flew Internationally... So on this count, I give it to them... they are first, indeed.... But when it comes to everything else - they are always last in my book, and I have flown many, many airlines already....

Each and every time I fly them, they seem to find new ways to somewhat aggravate me, and from what i see, other passengers, too.... Forget about the food or total lack of service.... let me start of by just pointing out that most of the senior crew not even able to deliver one thing that is FREE of CHARGE and should have been a prerequisite with this type of jobs: SMILE!!! My God, is the job really that hard that one cannot muster a simple smile.... even fake one??? I did not see any of them crew on my flight give anyone a single smile... but when i did go to use the toilet in the back of the plane - they sure were having a jolly old time, gabbing.... Not even the PURSER of the flight extended a smile when they were greeting everyone on and off the plane... WTF!!! and if one of your main duties on board it to give out the food and drinks, then do so willingly.... suck it up.... get over it... I mean, it should already be routine, robotic, second nature... so why act as if the passengers are asking for too much when asking for a second cup of Orange Juice.... it does not come out of your paycheck so give willingly.... But then again, maybe it does - with your recent company troubles going around - has it gotten that bad that the management is requiring you all to conserve and give less? LOL

And now let's talk, Terminal... how on earth could you have your own carrier's airport, a nice one at that, and still not be able to run it properly.... possibly the worst manned Airport terminal i have ever have been to... The longest wait ever, each and every time, for the bags to come... and how hard could it be when each time I arrive, only the flight from Taipei and Japan comes at the same time... How come you cannot get it together??? Only two flights - two baggage carousels... it does not take a genius how it should be... so how come there are times when both flights' bags are on the same carousel.. and at times, on separate carousels... and on this particular one - some of the Taiwan's luggage were picked up on carousel 4 along with the luggage from japan, while the rest had to be fetched on carousel 5... LOL....

And my Biggest Beef this time... the captain actually got us on the ground and on the bus terminal at the exact time we are to arrive - ON TIME!!! But where were the buses??? we actually had to wait a good half hour on the plane before the shuttle buses to take us to the terminal arrived... we saw a couple passed by fetching the Japanese passengers - so this means, the company only had two shuttle bus at your disposal? I don't think so.... Just another badly planned/badly organized day at PAL.....

NOTE TO PAL: "Just because you land the plane on time, does not necessarily mean it was not a DELAYED FLIGHT!"

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Just been seeing this a lot on You Tube.... and thought it is a Perfect Entry for this Sunday.... GLEE as we all know is a total breakout Phenom from the Get Go.... and understandably so.... am just HAPPY that all the cast members gets to have their shot at Great Solos, their turns to Shine....

Last Season Kurt got to do a FAVE old standard of mine, A House Is Not A Home.. this time around he gets to cover: "I Wanna Hold Your Hand".... Touchingly So.... Full of Emotions....
The song is truly a simple and yet, very emotional one to begin with.... and depending on how you are feeling, where you are at the point of your life, it could mean many a great thing.... this version SPEAKS to me.... in more ways than one......
NOTE: and what a HOTTIE Kurt/Chis Colfer has bloomed to be.... from the somewhat chubby boy, doing Single Ladies last season... to a fully matured young man...
As singled out by Rolling Stone Magazine as one of the BEST Characters on TV right now!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Jewel Comes Home

This little girl once again AMAZES me.... her resilience does not wane... and she continues to Surprise us all....
Remember in my fist BLOG about her - Jewel at the last minute, decided to help out Mommy escaped a C Section delivery - and decided to push her way out into the wold - the NATURAL WAY....

and then, due to minor complications, (catching a little cold) - she was to be left behind in the hospital for at least another week so they can better watch over her till she is 100% ready to go home with Lyn & Shaun... even the day before Lyn's release, we still were not sure if Jewel will be able to come home... But TRUE to he Nature, so far, the morning of Lyn's release - Jewel got really better and was released alongside Mommy.... hahahahaha, there was no way she was going to be left behind.....
So she is now at home - enjoying her own sweet home... and we in turn, can enjoy her for longer hours, instead of the 30 minute allotted time every 4 hrs by the hospital....

Just this lunch time - we were able to see her take her fist bath at home.... aaaaah the BIG Pleasures we get from the LITTLE angels....


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Break Time with Liya & Johnny (Jason)

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."
~Frederick Keonig

Took a couple of hours break from "JEWEL WATCH" today - Liya, Jason (both up from Kaohsiung) & I decided to go to WarnerViewshow area, to have lunch at Burger King, check out what's playing at the Cineplex, and of course, try to check out the newly opened UNIQLO....

Well, we were too late for any of the movies we wanted to see... either already started or SOLD OUT.... and the next scheduled showings were just much too late - have to go back and see Jewel and bring food to her parents, too.... So we decided to just have our Burger King lunch... YUMMY!!! Of course, I had my Chicken Sandwich with Cheese.... and even got to try their Brownie Cubes Topped with Ice Cream....

Before heading back home, we walked by the NEWLY Opened UNIQLO Shop in Taipei.... This Japanese based clothing boutique' Grand Opening has been much anticipated by soooo many Taiwanese... so we knew it will be like a MADHOUSE.... well, that's an understatement.... it was soooooooo CROWDED!! Long lines from all point of entries - LOL!!! Spoke to some of the people there, and it seems some of them even spent a whole nite in line just to be sure get in as the shop first opens...OMG!!! Well, as much as it would have been FUN to get in and take photos for the BLOG, 3 hours of my time to waste in line was just not worth it.... indeed!!!

So instead, we took the bus back home - so I can get a bit of work done... and everyone else can prepare FOOD and more stuff for the nighttime Jewel visit.... which we did by 7PM... just in time to have dessert with Lyn & Shaun... then see Jewel by 8PM.... even Cousin Tori came to see Jewel tonite!!! Jewel is doing fine.... she was actually getting some Vitamin Rays - so she looks as if she is in a TANNING BOOTH!!! LOLs!!! We all left the hospital about 9:30Pm and walked the long way home... a good 30/40 mins walk....


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The "Jewel" In Our Eyes!!!

Aaaaah the MIRACLE of BIRTH!!!!
am TRULY HUMBLED and AWED by the whole process....

Please meet "Jewel"
- the much awaited first born to my friends/family, Lyn & Shaun....

Born: Oct 5th, 2010

Time: 6:10 AM

Weight: 3KGS and 30 Grams
Height: 52 CM

okay, okay... this is actually the real reason why we all have been extra busy lately.... with not much time for anything else except going back and forth to the Hospital... first making sure everything is well with the Mom to be, Lyn... then welcoming Jewel into this world.... and now, just to see her from time to time during visiting hours - till she is safe and sound in her home... and we can see her as much as we want!!! Hehehehehehehe....As most of you know, Lyn & Shaun, I have known for over 10 years now.... shared lots of GREAT TIMES with them, and still doing so..... from college graduation, to tying the knot almost 2 years ago, & now, their first baby.....

So far, so good..... both Mom & Baby are doing fine.... though at one point it was going to have to be a C-Section delivery, but at the last minute, Jewel pulled through and helped Mommy open up a bit... so to speak.... been running back and forth to the hospital bringing the happy parents food - helps a lot that the hospital is only 15 minutes away by scooter.... and of course, we get to hold and enjoy Jewel a bit more!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Almost There!!!!

It is getting more EXCITING!!! I woke up from dreaming about Lyn's water breaking -and I was the only one around... so I was panicking as to what to do??? who to call??? Ect... so that was funny... Then we get a call from Lyn (& Shaun), saying she has already checked in as her water already broke.... LOL!!!(Photo taken a little after 4PM today)
So, she has checked in at around 9AM, and the Doctor is predicting that within the next 24 to 30 hours - she will deliver.... and she better, as Chinese Fortune tells her that Tuesday, the 5th is the Best time for her to have the baby, too.... So let's hope and pray that all the heavens are conspiring to make her wishes come true!!!
UPDATE: 9:30pm - SAME DAY: Just got home from the hospital.... Lyn is doing great... and everything is going fine... so far so good..... spent a couple of hours there tonite bringing her and Shaun dinner.... Visiting hours is only till 9PM - so we all left the parents to be for the nite...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"il dolce far niente"

otherwise known to the English speaking world as "The Sweetness of Doing Nothing"... something I noticed was TRULY, quite noticeable all over Italy during this last trip....

Now, this practice is really not lost on me - though I grew up in San Francisco, California - where I, being a good little boy - focused on school, school work, and doing what my parents told me all throughout High School; to working my way through college..; and working almost 7 days a week right after college....

Still, any chance I got, I remember rejuvenating myself by relaxing at home, laying about... reading a book by the park... sitting in a cafe watching people walk by... wandering about the streets of San Francisco... Basically, doing things without really doing anything... much like the way the Italians do when they practice "l'arte di dolce far niente"...
I attribute this to my Origins, I suppose.... the Filipino and Spanish heritage must have a lot to do with it, as they too, as a nation of people know how to relax, have fun, and take life in stride.... so it is in my Blood..... couple that with having traveled at a very young age and witnessing these simple pleasures of life from different cultures - most especially in Central and South Americas....
and then there is also the belief that: everything happens for a reason... what is meant to be, will be.... or famously put into words in The Tao of Pooh: "everything is as it should be..." keeping all these in mind - why bother stress too much... instead, give your all in everything you do and believe in.... and still, find the balance and take the time to live life to the fullest and try one's best at Happiness.... whatever that maybe to you - even if it means practicing "il dolce far niente".....

Blessed Sunday To You All!!!

Spent most of yesterday & last nite at Shaun & Lyn's house.... having dinner... watching movies... eating some more.... gabbing.... keeping Lyn company as we wait for the arrival of her baby.... was due on the 2nd but that did not happen.... maybe a few more days.... then eating some more.... finally went home around 12 midnite... tired and sooooooo full!!!
Taking it easy on this Sunday.... just Church, Gym, Library.... & hopefully running if it does not rain... or swimming if it does.... and am hoping for less food intake for today....
Happy Sunday All!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Just got back from watching Eat, Pray, Love - such a wonderful treat on this Saturday - I have been waiting to see this film for quite some time now.... was really hoping to see it before going to Europe but it was not out yet.... just finally came out yesterday, Oct 1st....

Boy, was it worth the wait... not just for the beautifully written lines.... the all too realistic and believable acting from everyone (from Julia Roberts; the 3 male leads, Javier, Billy & James; all the supporting casts that she gets to interact with all through the movie; and of course, location, location, location!!!! This movie takes you from New York, to Italy, to India, and Bali.

It was extra SPECIAL to see all the places that her character goes to, as all I have been to, and was more than HAPPY and EXCITED to spot special places - that are still FRESH in my mind... especially, Rome & Naples!!! and it was soooooo REAL.... all the location used in both Rome and Naples, were so familiar.... and it I even have photos of myself in most of the places.... even the local people reminds me of most of the ones we encountered and got to talk with......

The movie covers a lot of grounds in Liz Gilbert's life (author and protagonist in the book & film): literal, emotional, and spiritual. and Ryan Murphy (of GLEE fame) did a great job adapting and directing the film. Watching how the story unfolds, one can almost feel what Julia Robert's character is going through... Miss Roberts, have truly matured as a woman and an actress.... and is very much comfortable in her skin - and it shows.... It was a joy to see her, and go through life with her, in character, and be re-awakened along with her....

Poster Advert taken in Rome.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy 1st of October Everyone!!!

Everything is going by too fast... it is both AMAZING & SCARY!!!
Since coming back from the Europe trip, things have been CRAZY HECTIC on my side of the world.... catching up with work - nothing new!; dealing with a couple of typhoon and the constant rain; dealing with more family troubles; and just about everything else on the home front.... and here we are, Oct 1st already!!! 85 days before XMAS!!! 3 more months before the end of the year!!! WHOAH, where have all the time gone....

October is proving to be even more hectic with the impending arrival of Lyn & Shaun's first baby.... Lyn is due on the 2nd so basically, that means anytime now we could all be rushing to the hospital for delivery... an exciting time for all... with the whole Wu clan due to come up from down south to help in during the first few days....Then come 11th of Oct., I should be flying off again to Manila - to take care of personal & familial matters.... REALLY MUST DO STUFF - before the end of the year....In between, I am looking forward to the Grand Opening of UNIQLO, Taipei on the 7th of this month.... hoping to see EAT*PRAY*LOVE..... and catching up with GLEE, the rest of Season 1.... and of course, HALLOWEEN!!!

Hope all's well in your neck of the woods....