Sunday, October 10, 2010


Just been seeing this a lot on You Tube.... and thought it is a Perfect Entry for this Sunday.... GLEE as we all know is a total breakout Phenom from the Get Go.... and understandably so.... am just HAPPY that all the cast members gets to have their shot at Great Solos, their turns to Shine....

Last Season Kurt got to do a FAVE old standard of mine, A House Is Not A Home.. this time around he gets to cover: "I Wanna Hold Your Hand".... Touchingly So.... Full of Emotions....
The song is truly a simple and yet, very emotional one to begin with.... and depending on how you are feeling, where you are at the point of your life, it could mean many a great thing.... this version SPEAKS to me.... in more ways than one......
NOTE: and what a HOTTIE Kurt/Chis Colfer has bloomed to be.... from the somewhat chubby boy, doing Single Ladies last season... to a fully matured young man...
As singled out by Rolling Stone Magazine as one of the BEST Characters on TV right now!!!

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