Thursday, October 28, 2010

Moving On....

“No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?”
-Elbert Hubbard

Nice quote, indeed.... but how true is this for each of us.... we all have our own definition of what is expected of us in regards to our own families.... all of these are dictated, for the most part, by our upbringing, our childhood, and the life we lead into our own adulthood...

I find that nowadays, it is soooo easy to "blame our childhood" -- mostly, for the bad turn of events in our lives.... I mean, not many people will actually jump for joy at the happiest times or victories in their adult life, and thank their parents for their upbringing.... most will relegate it to hard work, and their own focus and determination in life, or maybe even their own family.... But in times of despairs and defeats, most blames what was lacking in their upbringing.... neglect of ones parents.... and better yet, NO LOVE or SUPPORT from one's parents.... But "How far & how much must we Blame?" and "How Long Must we go on Blaming?" and worse, "Even remember even sadder moments of one's childhood that never even truly happened!" At times, some of us gets carried away with our sad memories that they end up being blown out of proportions; and things that never happened seemed to materialized in our minds... and they become so real that they get incorporated to ones childhood suffering memories...

Sadly, I see a lot of these with my very own family.... and it is a vicious circle - and one that seems to not have an end looming anytime in the near future... and even sadder, it gets to me more than anything.... I have wrestled with these emotions with so many members of my family - as I cannot quite comprehend the idea of blaming others for how our lives turned.... I mean, I can relate and understand having a really bad childhood upbringing.... feeling no love or support from anyone at all - truly a sad thing, especially when there is no family when you need them the most... so this is something we do not have any control over.... and I feel, we just make do with what we have and try to get by during these years... till you are old enough to MOVE ON and take matters in your own hands... do what you can to help Navigate your DESTINY... put the Future in your own Hands, so to speak.... and when this time comes, then we have no one else to "blame" or "pat in the back" but ourselves in however our lives may turn out.... as it should be....

So, I say, "Let's All Grow Up Already!" and "Stop All The Blaming and Move On..." all these blaming will lead nowhere but more sadness, more hurt, and more riffs between all the family.... we all need to just get passed the Past, no matter how hurtful we may remember them to be (but of course, NEVER FORGET -- big difference there...) and Move On.... as the world turns and evolves, so Must We.... Forget all the hurt.... be at Peace with one's self.... it is the only thing we can do - to make our life, and those of others affected, more Peaceful....

And though I write this now, in hopes that it will be read and taken into consideration... I also know, am aware, that coming to terms with ourselves requires a lot out of each and everyone of us.... and we all have to do so in our own terms.. at our own individual pace.... but we must also realize that every moment that passes by, are moments we lose out on time that can be spent with love ones...


  1. Thank You very much, michelle... much appreciated... *HUGS U BACK*

  2. Wonderful insight, Rudi. ((hugs)) People that dwell on the past and refuse to move on have destined themselves to a life of unhappiness. We each have to take responsibility for our own lives and what we make of them NOW. You can learn from the past, you can grow stronger from the trials...but all of it makes you who you are now and yet you have to choose you you are GOING to be.

    Anyone who sits back and blames their lives or personalities or whatever on how they were raised or what troubles they have been through, it is a load of poo. I know someone who always excused his own bad behavior by saying "I cannot help it, that is just the way I am because I was raised that way." Horse poo.

    People choose their paths in life once they are old enough to do so. You can let go of bitterness and allow light into your heart or you can hold on to it tightly and let it eat up your joy. It is each person's own choice. ya. Michelle (the other one)

  3. Thank You so very much for sharing, michelle... this is one of the things I love about you - like me, you are always open to share with friends and love ones....

    love ya back...
