Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy 1st Of November Everyone....

Monday Morning.... 1st of November... sun is shining.... am meeting Juliana for lunch at Chilis (cancelled from last week)... and looking forward to lunch with Sue on Wednesday... a few more days before the Opening of the Taipei Flora Expo 2010...
so what else can I say... what else can I ask for....

The Flora Expo Entrance @ Dajia River, where I run regularly... taken last nite... the set up is getting there....

and to top is all off, Jewel is almost a month old & very healthy... and am loving this shot of her with KIKI (named by yours truly!), the little froggie that I picked up at IKEA the other day....

More New Jewel Photos Here

Have a Great Week and a Fabulous November, Everyone....


  1. Happy 11/1 to you too Rudi!

    I hope you and Juliana have a great visit and a delicious lunch.

    I didn't think it was possible for Jewel to get sweeter and more adorable, but she has!! So precious.

  2. Thanks Mary.... had a wonderful time with Juliana last Monday, indeed... and just now had a nice one, too, with Sue.... so this week, I have no reason to complain at all... hahahahaha

    Hope all is well with you.... love ya...
