Monday, July 30, 2012


That is just what my day was today!!! Right after this Sunday Mass, with no Babysitting duties... All alone... And no good movie to see - I decided to escape the midday heat of the sun by taking in some art exhibitions... And what better place than one of Fave Art Museums in Taiwan, MOCA... Always something good, contemporary, and cool to see... And of course, the surrounding areas are an added bonus....

First up was a walk through the long strecth of the Zhongshan UNDERGROUND MRT/MALL...   which offers just about anything you could think of:   Rows and rows of shops selling clothing, books, DVDs, shoes, toys, magazines, abounds...   and in one of the BEST SECTION  the MOCA STUDIO...   an off shoot of MOCA...  cool exhibitions are always on view here....   artwork, interactive art, film festivals, performance art, etc.....   this time around three sections of Film Exhibitions - both Live Action and Animated films done by local artists....  one can spend hours watching all these shows - not only are they FREE of CHARGE, it also helps that the Underground Mall is much much cooler than being on the streets....
And the whole Underground Mall is quite an Art Space - at any given time, you can see photographic exhibitions or paintings of different genres....   even the store front gates are works of art, as each one are painted/graffitied by artists and regular folks alike....  it was an added treat to see a brand new section of Mural artwork today - this one taking the Alice in Wonderland theme and utilizing all the areas of the section to tell the story...  interpretations of the popular storybook adorns walls, doors, columns, and just about anything - masking their commonness and making them parts of the canvases....
After feasting on the Underground art exhibitions, it was time to check out what the real MUSEUM has in store for me....  and boy was it a pleasant surprise....  the main exhibition is about the work of renowned filmaker, King Hu....  one of the forefathers of the Chinese Kung Fu cinemas...  His numerous films (a personal fave, DRAGON INN, included)  had been studied, copied, and praised by many other famous Chinese Directors - Oscar Winner Ang Lee, included....   He also boasts garnering the Grand Prix price at Cannes back in 1975 for his epic film, Touch of Zen.... 

The exhibitions boasts countless video screens showing almost all his films....  sections of the museums were made to recreate some of the most essential parts/scenes for his numerous films...  A section also shows interviews of famous producers and directors  who had nothing but praise for Mr Hu...  a section was also devoted showcasing his many illustrations - being a talented illustrator, as well - with two major Animation films in the 1990s: Golden Monkey and The Boiling of the Sea.  Many of his original illustration art from both films were on display - so it was an added treat for me....  sadly, photographing them were prohibited - and this section was very much guarded....  intentional or coincidental - I really could not say....
Was amazed with the overall exhibition, I had to walk through it all for a second time....  Overall, it was a GREAT ART DAY FOR ME, I would say.... no, correction - I WOULD BOAST!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Madagascar Scare

Last night, Juju and I were LUCKY to get VIP passes to see the Press Premiere of the animated film, Madagascar... Venue was in the chi chi BREEZE MALL... Such a nice place so, though the event was not till 6:30PM, I decided for me and Juju to get there earlier.. For some window shopping and dinner.,,

All was going great... We were having a lot of fun... Running around the mall, window shopping - loving the new Louis Vuitton window, and dindin at MOS... Then the event came and we were both excited... The minute they turned on the spotlight, Juju was instantly giddy and clapping... Super delighted!

But all that changed as soon as entertainers dressed in Penguin and Lion costumes came out... Juju screamed and cried out... She was sooooo scared of them... Could not even look at them... She spent most of the time with her back turned, just resting them on my shoulders...
Later at the movies, it was a different story... She was soooo excited seeing so many other kids, she wanted to just get up, get around and play with them.. Of course, this is not to be so she ended up crying and acting up - for not getting to do what she wanted.. Halfway through the movie I had to get her out of there or piss everyone off... Haiiiis...

So like most Animated films, there is a lesson to be learned... And I learned mine - which is to wait another year before I take Juju to the movies again... LOL...
The Cool LV Windows...  All Dotty!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hump Day Funnies

Well, it is that day if the week again where we could not wait for the day to be over with - for it will me only mean 2 More days of work Left... :(

On that note I leave you with a couple of pretty funny Hump Day photos!!!
2012 Summer Olympics LOGO - LOL!!!
But I would not leave you HIGH and DRY - here's a real HUMPY HUNK Photo... :)
Favorite Idol Piolo Pascual

Monday, July 23, 2012

Satisfying Monday

Nothing can beat the Monday Blues than taking in an early showing of Dark Knight Rises at MIRAMAR... It did not even feel like 3 hrs long... :)

Very Christopher Nolan movie... Great story telling... Great cast, headed by Christian Bale (truly THE BATMAN!!!) and the regular series mainstay: Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine... Added supporting cast: Anne Hathaway, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Coitlard, & Tom Hardy...   And loved the star studded cameos - past and present characters collide - Cillian Murphy, Matthew Modine, Liam Neeson, etc...    And truly love and very much excited about  the promise of a Robin movie...

If I were to complain, I would  only wished there was more action...   but I suppose, it being a 3Hr film - the action was spread out....    And more Catwoman!!!  Anne Hathaway, in the scenes she was in was soooo good, fitting that cat suit just nicely - but she did not get enough to do....  not much fighting and not enough long shots of Anne in her full catsuit glory....  

One thing I loved though was, Joseph Gordon-Levitt getting his share of airtime and really getting to show acting muscles - always excellent in just about everything....  I really do hope they make a NIGHTWING movie with him in it.....  that would be an added BONUS in the Batman Universe.....

Saturday, July 21, 2012

...with FREEDOM comes MATURITY...

Do not get to talk with Ameera as much now that she is all grown up and making her own life in the US....  I figured, she and her brother, Ace, need their own space - to grow...  to make their own decisions...  to struggle and stand on their own two feet....   to feel what it's like to be independent....  to make their mistakes and learn from them....  and to be PROUD of their own accomplishments in life....   so as much them, I just let them be....  now and again, of course, I go through the moments where I feel forgotten and such... but never lasts long...  and when we do talk, no matter how too far in between and how short - everything becomes forgotten and am happy...  and I know that once I see them again -- in the US or here in ASIA -- it will be like we were never even apart.... :)

the last few days, I have been talking with Ameera via Facebook PM...   and it blew me away how much maturity comes from this girl's mind....  not surprising but I still get blown away... :)  When  I asked if there was anything I could do, or anything she needed  - she simply replied:

"... i need a lot of things, i know you can give some of the things i need,
but i chose not to ask,
you already gave me so much when i was younger,
its time for me to handle things on my own till i can..."

This is just another reason why I know this girl will make it in life....  just hope that it will be less struggles and more happiness....

Friday, July 20, 2012

Lazy Friday

The business of the previous days - between working, taking care of Juju, running about in the heat of the sun has finally caught up with me, it seems..,,

Today started off with my alarm going off at 7:30AM... Hit the off button but still, stayed in bed for another hour... I could feel through the window that it is another hot day, so i was a bit dreading having to get ready... But must, as i have things to do... So made my morning coffee and started my day...

With the umbrella in tow, And a bottle of water, I went out into the heat of the sun and did my errands... Bank, Post Office, Carrefour, etc... Then i went to the Gym and ran on the Treadmill machine... And then back home.. This was about 2:30PM.... I sat to cool off a bit before showering.. And without meaning to I actually dozed off.... Was awoken by the sound of the phone ringing... It was 5:20PM... Whoah!!!!

It is now a little past 6PM... Am on the bus... Decided to go to the mall to eat lunch/dinner.., walk around a bit - at least it will be much cooler there.. And lots of things to see and energize the senses... Either that or just doze off once more... Hahahaha..,.

Btw, thanks for the Cool Snoopy Tee Juju & Lyn... Am loving it!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Am Sooooo Hot!

Well, that is not what I mean... I merely want to say that today is a scorcher once more in Taipei....  and it was just getting nice and windy, too... boo hoo.... 

Anyway, the sun is shining brightly and the Heat of it Burns through -- Inside the house, one can feel the heat, the hot temperature out...   And the walk earlier this morning, to do some work, was just too much,.. Sweating within the first 5 minutes of stepping out!! Could not wait to finish it all and run indoors, believe me!!!

Anyway, this calls for some refreshingly ice cold dessert to rejuvenate the senses... :)
 Stay Cool All!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

Here comes that rain again...

Nothing worse than bring scheduled to babysit Juju and the rain pouring at the same time... we go nuts being couped up in the house for too long... I mean, we can only run around the couch so many times... And watch KPop music videos on you tube...

And this is just how it has been the whole afternoon today... It is now almost 6pm and we were getting ready to go out when the rain started pouring once more... Haiiiis... At least yesterday, the rain let up and we were able to enjoy an early evening stroll and a picnic by Dajia River...
And it was actually quite beautiful last nite....
DAY 2 With Juju:  MONDAY the 16th
Stuck at home for most of the day again due to the rain....  finally let up a bit about 5PM... i think Juju sensed this and she actually got herself ready and was tugging at me to go out... and that we did... we went to the BUS STOP and took the first bus to come along....  it ended up being the BL10 so we headed over to the Warner Viewshow area....   hung out and played at the Mitsukoshi Dept Stores....  and had dinner there....  
Juju mustered up so much energy, even though I could tell she was sooooooo tired.... she ran around for a good couple of hours... happy as a little clam to be out and about.....   waving at people... admiring all the displays, toys, and other little kids - and shoes, of course!!!!
But on the bus, going and coming back, she was dead asleep.... hahahahahahahaha......

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Chilling @ Chilli's

An evening hanging out with the Besties: Juliana, Sue, and Cecilia was spent over great food at Chilli's - in the Warner Viewshow Area - Saturday night.,.

Started off with Sue picking me up at the house... then we parked over by Julianan's to meet up with her and Cecilia at Taipei Monster.....  then we drove over to Chilli's as we had a 7PM reservation, and being the weekend, we knew parking would be hell.....

 As always, gabbing galore took place... So much food was devoured, and my Fave Dessert, Molten Chocolate Cake capped the dinner....

Always a Great Pleasure when I get to see them, even more so when I get to see them all at the same time and for an extended meal, too... Not a quickie lunch we have like
Most of the time....
The Feast!!!
Chocolate Molten Cake


To date, it still holds true to the letter:

"Circumstances Control Feelings... If only Feelings Can Control Circumstances."

Friday, July 13, 2012

Am Lovin' It

McDonalds' drinking Coke glasses are back, this time around the glasses are tied in with the Summer Olympics soon to commence in London.
One can has a choice of Spicy Chicken Meal or Double Quarter Pounder Meal to get a Free Glass... There is a total of 6 Colors and Design to collect.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Working Out

Often I have been asked why, with all these years of working out, do I not have the Abs of Steel... To this I simply Smile and say: "i work out to stay healthy, not to parade around sans tee shirt..."

OK I lie.. A bit! I mean, who would not want Abs of Steel, right? I certainly would have welcomed them... But not likely, not in this lifetime anyway...

Still, I persevere with all the working out... Running almost everyday and/or going for a swim when time permits and the pool is not too crowded... Gym wise, still go when I can, at least 3 or 4 times a week... But now, i just do it all leisurely... Just hoping to stay in small but toned frame.., and God willing, getting rid of the tummy flabs... Even if the abs never materializes...

I possibly will never be really skinny again (like in the photos below) but that will be just fine with me now.. As they say, With age comes maturity... And with maturity comes acceptance...

Am just thankful that the gym we have in Taipei is sooo close by - convenient to go to in any kind of weather... They stay open all year long and pretty much long hours so there is no excuse not to be able to fit it in one's busy schedule... And of course, Dajia River where I run, is such a pretty place - one can run there during the day or night and get a different feel/vibe... All of it, Great!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Vampire Diaries: Season 3

Just got through watching the last 5 episodes of last season's Vampire Diaries.... Finally!!!
Have mixed emotions over this... I do not mind that it was not as flashy as 2nd Season's Finale... And am even relishing the fact that Damon did see Elena before Stefan.. Surprising twist am happy with... And to be rid of Klaus (finally! Was sooooo tired of his idle threats...) - though i see he is now possessing Tyler's body... So he is not dead and can come back again...

Other things am not so happy about:
-give Caroline something else to do besides being tortured every sooo episodes... Was even excited with the possibility that Klaus will take her and show her around, per his invitation... ( and yes for this, I was willing to still welcome his stay... LOL)..
-what's the used of giving Tyler extra ordinary powers if he does not even get to use them....
-Bonnie should just get back with Jeremy and that's that!!!
-is Matt really dead? If so, this is Sad... Though they do not give him much to do, he is still pretty to look at.. :)

-i did not see Rebecca die , so I do hope she is not dead yet... She is fun whenever she is around and being bratty...
At this time, I read that the cast are back for Season 4 already... I wish that Elena will really be a Vampire already... And that Rececca and her will get into a biiiiig cat/ vampiric fight... Throw in Caroline for Great measure.... :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hollywood Invades Pinoy Clothing Market

Seems like an All Star War with Hollywood Stars as Soldiers, is going on in the Pinoy Clothing Retail World... More and more faces have been appearing in giant billboards for some
Of The Philippines' Top Clothing Brand... Here's the latest...
Leading the pack is Penshoppe with their All Star Line up: Gossip Girl's Ed Westwick & Leighton Meister, Zac Effron, & Ian Somerhalder...
Above photo is from a giant billboard at MEGAMALL - Manila, Philippines.
Above two (Zac & Leighton) are current window displays for most Penshoppe Boutiques.
Ian compelling all to shop with those beautiful eyes of his...
and for BENCH....  Joe Jonas and Vampire Diaries' Michael Trevino....   plus the latest on their rostes, The Hunger Games' Liam Hemsworth.

Did not know how big Joe Jonas is in The Philippines till I saw his giant billboards all over...
he is even a cover story for one of the nation's Men's Magazine - GARAGE.
Too bad for the new city ordinance: "NO UNDIES on BILLBOARDS" - The Vampire Diaries' Michael Trevino's  sexy underwear ads will not be able to cause traffic jams on the freeway...  everyone's lost....
The Hunger Games' Liam Hemsworth in one of the four Bench Billboard Ads
all over Manila city currently...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Mabuhay UniQlo

Japan 's Hot Clothing Franchise comes to Manila... And it is very much welcomed!!!  Located on the 2nd floor of The Mall Of Asia - the retail space allocated to the shop is quite biiig... rivals/comparable to the ones I ahve seen here in Taipei and even in Bangkok....  lots of fun offerings... and at the moment - their tees are averaging much cheaper than the SALE Prices here in Taiwan, at least by Php60 each tee...  According to an employee, when I inquired, the current prices are INITIAL SALE PRICES and will go up to their regular retail prices soon....  so RUN and GRAB a tee or two - loads of styles to choose from:  DC COMICS, SNOOPY, Hello Kitty, COKE, One Piece, Beatles, EVANGELION... and my personal fave, JP BRAND TEES....
As with the other countries, Local Celebrities are used to promote the cool lines - Philippines uses Premiere Actress Iza Calzado, all around entertainer Nikki Gil, and the one that makes me smile,  celebrity athlete Chris Tiu....  see photos below....
Just in time for the PREMIERE of SPIDERMAN - Fun SPIDEY TEEs....
AM HERE!!!  in my UniQlo pants even!!!!
The Shop takes up quite a biiig space....  can RIVAL those UniQlos in Bangkok and Taipei....