Thursday, July 26, 2012

Madagascar Scare

Last night, Juju and I were LUCKY to get VIP passes to see the Press Premiere of the animated film, Madagascar... Venue was in the chi chi BREEZE MALL... Such a nice place so, though the event was not till 6:30PM, I decided for me and Juju to get there earlier.. For some window shopping and dinner.,,

All was going great... We were having a lot of fun... Running around the mall, window shopping - loving the new Louis Vuitton window, and dindin at MOS... Then the event came and we were both excited... The minute they turned on the spotlight, Juju was instantly giddy and clapping... Super delighted!

But all that changed as soon as entertainers dressed in Penguin and Lion costumes came out... Juju screamed and cried out... She was sooooo scared of them... Could not even look at them... She spent most of the time with her back turned, just resting them on my shoulders...
Later at the movies, it was a different story... She was soooo excited seeing so many other kids, she wanted to just get up, get around and play with them.. Of course, this is not to be so she ended up crying and acting up - for not getting to do what she wanted.. Halfway through the movie I had to get her out of there or piss everyone off... Haiiiis...

So like most Animated films, there is a lesson to be learned... And I learned mine - which is to wait another year before I take Juju to the movies again... LOL...
The Cool LV Windows...  All Dotty!!!

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