Saturday, July 21, 2012

...with FREEDOM comes MATURITY...

Do not get to talk with Ameera as much now that she is all grown up and making her own life in the US....  I figured, she and her brother, Ace, need their own space - to grow...  to make their own decisions...  to struggle and stand on their own two feet....   to feel what it's like to be independent....  to make their mistakes and learn from them....  and to be PROUD of their own accomplishments in life....   so as much them, I just let them be....  now and again, of course, I go through the moments where I feel forgotten and such... but never lasts long...  and when we do talk, no matter how too far in between and how short - everything becomes forgotten and am happy...  and I know that once I see them again -- in the US or here in ASIA -- it will be like we were never even apart.... :)

the last few days, I have been talking with Ameera via Facebook PM...   and it blew me away how much maturity comes from this girl's mind....  not surprising but I still get blown away... :)  When  I asked if there was anything I could do, or anything she needed  - she simply replied:

"... i need a lot of things, i know you can give some of the things i need,
but i chose not to ask,
you already gave me so much when i was younger,
its time for me to handle things on my own till i can..."

This is just another reason why I know this girl will make it in life....  just hope that it will be less struggles and more happiness....

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