Monday, February 20, 2012

shipping nightmares

the last few weeks have been relegated to dealing with shipping nightmares......   just when one thinks, it is so bad, could not get any worse - it does!!!
certain shipments from China I have been waiting for actually ended up in America....   and before I could even say SHIP TO ME - they were already and shipped the wrong way....   Via the Postal Office... to one name, one addy.....   of course, it means, BINGO!!!  Taiwan Customs is having a field day with the shipment and with the new Taiwan laws of no more than 5 pcs - it is triple red flagged and have to go through so much crap... or red tape as it is often called....
was trying to clear them last Friday but was not to be...after of close to an hour talking with the customs officer, we were told that we needed to go to a different office...  a much farther one, speak to the powers that be and have them deal with my two boxes....
today, Monday the 20th, we headed on early enough to the said office to try and clear the boxes....  after over an hour of form fillings, photo copying, etc...   we were being asked an absurd amount of money for one of their reps to head on down to the customs office and check out the shipment....  it seems that as part of the new laws, anything that has more than 5 pcs of the same thing, will be subjected to this particular office's findings - to see if tou must then go back to the he itmes are deemed harmful or releaseable....  no matter thwat they might be.....   and all this extra work, time consuming process, are charged on the shipper or the receiver.....  and even if you agreed on paying the fees for this, you are subjected to a waiting period.....  as they figure out when they will be able to send someone over for you to meet.....   at the said time, even when they deem the goods releasaeable - you still cannot take them...  you must then go back to the same office, and pay them for a clearance certificate - then and only then can you even get back to the customs officers, claim your packages and again, be subjected to their questionings and tehir own set of tax fees....  separate offices, remember....

to date, I still have no packeges cleared to me... huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu.....

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