Saturday, February 25, 2012

L O V E * AI

Was fortunate enough to be able to catch the VIP Screening of this Taiwan made film....   LOVE....  I believe it came out around Valentine's Day - so I was surprised to get a Pass for a special screening just last nite.....  Thanksto Lyn and Shaun - for not wanting to see it - I got to go.... hahahahahahahaha....

Almost did not go for a few reasons:
-so last minute..
-it was a rainy nite so being lazy was more on the agenda...
-was afraid it will not have English Subtitles like most Chinese films released here...

am sooooo very glad I had a changed of heart and actually got myself to go.....  it helped that the rain subsided a bit when I went (even stopped altogether on my walk home!)....  from the poster alone, I knew I was interested in seeing the film....  too many familiar faces that I like - Mark Chao, Ethan Ruan & the MONGA BOYS, Zhao Wei, A-Shin's Eddie Peng and the main draw for me: SHU QI...  and the movie was sprinkled by special appearances of other familiar faces.....   plus filmed all throughout Taipei that I recognized and even a bit in Beijing.....   the director & producer and star of the film, Doze Niu even made an appearance before the movie commenced.

I knew that with the subject matter... and all the intertwined stories, i knew that even without the English subtitles, it will be easy enough for me to comprehend....   it was an added plus, that I was treated to English Subtitles.....    not at all expected.....    and yes, the stories were simple enough and even somewhat, predictable, as most love stories go: "she loves him, he loves another" variation, "man who cannot feel falls in love", young love, middle aged love, old love, etc...; ....  but the way there handed down to us - was quirky, funny, touching.....     the actors all delivered....   all as charming as can be....  maybe it helped that there were many of them to watch - one does not tire entirely of just one actor's acting.....most of the IDOL DRAMA actors are better watched in small dosages....   and SHINE they did....  they made me laugh, cry and feel.... which was a bit weird as I was seeing the movie on my own....
Shu Qi, to me is incomparable.....  so understated in her acting but can make you feel so much with just a glance....   she is, like most of us, is getting on in age but still, as luminous and as commanding a presence, as ever....  when she is in the screen - everyone else disappears.....

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