Tuesday, January 4, 2011

...just way too cold.....

PHOTO: Wetness & Gloom Greets Me Back to the City!

2nd nite back in Taipei - where it is just waaaaay too cold.... yesterday it was wet & gloomy.... at least today it was clear, albeit, still freezing cold!!! Have caught a bit of a cold - must be the weather change as it was still warm, and at times HOT in Manila - where I spent the Holidays.... hoping I can get over all this and get into the groove of things Fast...

Tonite, after an appointment, decided to take in the XMas Wonders of the Warner Viewshow Area.... always great for XMas displays and lightings.... it was really nice just walking about, window shopping and enjoying the last of the XMas displays before they are all taken down...NIGHT STROLL PHOTOS HERE

Even got to FINALLY check out UNI QLO...

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