Sunday, October 5, 2008

...messy weekend.... keeping with "out with the old, in with the new" theme... this weekend we decided to start cleaning house.... Boy, isn't it a WONDER - how we accumulate sooooo much in sooo little time??? and I mean SOOOO MUCH!!!

Every Chinese New Year - there is a 3 day period that we can actually go through our CRAP and select the ones we want to get rid off - big or small - and they get hailed off for free... as a service to the community... LOVE THIS!!! But this time we decided to get things done a little earlier... starting with all that we can recycle... give away.... or just plain throw out....

10 years of CDs... Books... Magazines.... and stuff I always say i will work on and "do something with"... but never gotten around to it due to time or maybe just lack of inspiration.... NO MATTER!!! everything must go -- so this weekend and the next few ones - am sure, will be dedicated to a lot of cleaning up....

I cannot tell you how LIBERATING it feels... having so much load taken off you.... now and again, you just gotta close your eyes and go for it... UNLOAD, UNLOAD, UNLOAD!!!!


  1. It really is liberating!! I have got to do some more myself.


  2. Go Go Go Mary!!! UNLOAD!!! you will FEEL so much better.... hehehehe
