okay, okay.... lately am seriously contemplating again on getting a dog... am soooo missing having one to play with... run with... and everything else in between... been a long time since the pooch of my life, BAXTER, passed away.... over 10 years in fact... so I think it is just about the right time....

Of Late, I have had to settle with playing with other people's doggies... enjoying them when I visit... it satisfies the desires for the time - but of course, makes me want to have one that I can call my own more.... one who will be more LOYAL to me... hays, the only thing stopping me now really, is my travel schedule... I would HATE and FEEL SO GUILTY having to leave he doggie behind every month -- no matter how long or short the trip may be... I remember that the thing I was sad most with Baxter is that, hearing from the his sitter, that he (after a day of me being gone) always end up just waiting in front of the door for me to come home from a business trip... always broke my heart....
(Clockwise: Charlie, Youtiao, Shaq & Lala... Youtiao has since passed on and joined Baxter in doggie heaven...)
..and here's another cutie, Gucci- Ameera's Chihuahua - given to her on her 7th BDAY... Sadly - she also had passed on already... one of the sweetest pups ever.... loving but oh-so-fragile....
..and The Elcocks' Huskies, Cole & Sebastian (below).... two of the biggest, and most lovable dogs I have ever had the pleasure of playing with.... they are Alaskan Malemutes, to be precise.... (Thanks for the INFO Larraine and Brianne!!!)
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