Monday, November 3, 2014

Sunday in the Park

Had a lovely time at Flora Expo Park yesterday, Sunday the 2nd!  Nice cool temperature with soothing breezes...  Live music...  And even the Annual Flora International Award Expo is in full swing...  Juju and i was having a lot of fun, we must have spent almost 6 hrs there...  A really nice way to end the week!
Enjoying the lively Blooms.

Me and a friend!

Monster High Doll, Jinafire Long, was Juju's tag along doll for the day.

So much beauty!  Some of the prettiest and most amazing arrangements on display
at the annual Flora International Award Exposition.

And of course, we stopped by St Christopher's Church to pay respects and light candles.

We were even treated to our first XMas tree sighting...
this giant tree is on display now at the Flora Expo Park.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween, Taipei Style!

Halloween is really not that big here in Taiwan - mostly relegated to the International Schools and PUBs frequented by expats...  Even the Department Stores are not much into it... A few decors here and there, mostly in the candies and chocs section...  Makes me miss the Halloweens spent growing up In the Bay Area...

Still, Juju and I managed to find something and make the most of the Holiday..  Celebrating best we could...  This year it was spent at Maji Square.

Jimmy Liao character figure sighting... of course, we had to stop for a photo!!!
Juju as a Bat Girl was truly happy....   not sure why some Chinese parents do not want to let their kids celebrate Halloween - nevermind that it is not a Traditional Chinese Holiday, it is a FUN one for kids...

Happy Halloween!!!

Wishing you all a Safe N Fun Celebration!!!

JEALOUSY - is not a part of my vocabulary...   for me,  it is a wasted emotion...  

Instead of looking at others and being jealous, try looking within you...  Inside you... Past and present...   See all that you have been blessed with..  And are being Blessed with. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Be at Peace. See how light, simple, easy and happy life could be.

Woking Friday while listening to a few OPM Faves...  

Now, am not well versed on Pinoy music , really..  I actually own more Spanish CDs than OPM but I do have my faves!!!

Gary V - i have admired and idolized growing up in the Bay  Area to present...  Others I discovered during trips in Manila - some i hear on the TAXI ( Ogie Alcasid, Wency, Nina, Yeng) or bought for the first time just because the CD cover caught my eyes (Mark Bautista, Ariel Rivera, Jericho Rosales)...

Then there's Piolo Pascual - totally different level of admiration😜😜😜.   Besides Gary V and Mark Bautista, his CDs are the only ones I buy without fail!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

OKINAWA Revisited!

With next week just around the corner, am getting more and more excited to the upocoming week long OKINAWA trip with the whole Wu Clan....  it made me look back at photos from my first time there....  Can't believe 3 years have passed already!!!  
Am sure so much has changed....  and with us renting cars to get around, am pretty sure we will get to cover more land and see more of the outskirts....  just hope it will not be as rainy as the first time.


This week, I got to see not one... not two... but three - yes three movies!!!!   Not sure how I managed but in between work and taking care of Juju, I did - and I could not be Happier!!!
First film I saw, thanks to the FREE PASS, is the Taiwanese made film "Black and White".  Was reluctant at first as I was not too sure if there will be English subtitles but since it is an action film, I said to myself: "What the heck...  plot will be simple enough to follow>"  Though it really was, am still happy there was English subtitle after all.  And was quite surprised with the film - could totally rival those made in Hollywood in the Special Effects and Actions scenes.  Acting from the cast was good enough...   considering they did not have much to say.   Was overall Happy and Satisfied with the film, just cannot stand the addition of the "trying so hard to be funny" side kick / partner of Mark Chao...  could totally do without him....   he was not even funny... guess the writer was gunning for the same sidekicks seen in Hollywood Action flicks - but failed. 
Then on the 9th of this month I set out to see the premiere of DRACULA - my most anticipated film this year.  Weeks ago, I already decided that by hook or by crook - I will get to see it on the first day.  And with babysitting chores later in the afternoon - it worked out well that I went to the first showing.  Got up earlier than usual... did all my work... shipping and all.... making sure I make it in time for the film.  Lots of high speed maneuvering but totally worth it!!!
Not expecting much about the storyline, as most reboots does not live up to expectations nowadays - I was still amazed, enthralled and thrilled by the film.   I do not know anyone in the cast except for Charles Dance and Luke Evans... and that was just fine by me....  I was really there for the legend that is Dracula, the costumes, the cinematography and Luke Evans....   and those all got two thumbs up from me!!!   I left the theatre happy and with a hope that a follow up will be in the works! 
Third film is "Gone Girl".  This one I knew nothing about....   I agreed to go with the girls as I like most everyone in the cast plus I know if it's a David Fincher film, one is in for a ride.  And it sure was one helluva ride!!!    So many unexpected twists and turns....  and the Cast, every single one of them, delivered!!!!  Especially Rosamund Pike....   I was a Fan then - am a bigger Fan now!!!   It is one of those movies that is sooooo good, you would not mind seeing it again, and again, and again....   and not for the much talked about Private Parts of both Ben Affleck and Neil Patrick Harris - besides, in Taiwan, those scenes always end up on the cutting floor. 
So over all, this week, I have nothing to complain for - and much to be happy about!
Hope everyone else's week is going well.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Oh such simple pleasures that packs loads of delights!

Yesterday, Oct 5th, our little girl turned 4....   it boggles the mind how this could have happened... seems like she is just a little baby and BOOM... she is 4!!!  
Time really flies when one is having fun - and since she arrived on the scene, we have had a lot more fun...  Her personality is just so that she has always kept us entertained.... and if you are following me on Facebook, am sure you know that the two of us has become quite a pair when it comes to goofiness and having fun....  We make the most of each day we are together... and we always seem to manage and find something to do, rain or shine, and create our own fun!!!!  We share the same love for colors, toys, and music....   and this makes taking care of her a lot easier.... Thank God!!!
Amazing how I have seen this girl grow....  from being born...  to her first step, first smile, first word, and a bunch of other firsts!!!   And each day, she does or say something that amazes me....  even her comprehension and command of English still surprises me....  so many words am pretty sure a lot of others I know cannot even say - much more know the meaning of - but this girl picks up fast....  unbeknown to us until she utters them....  and she now speaks complete sentences in ENGLISH!!!  I for one am HAPPY that am able to help on this part - ut if you ask her - she will say: "I taught myself English!" - LOL!!!
I had a few things planned for her SPECIAL DAY - since Mami N Papi are both working, and GioGio is working in Italy,  I made sure I get her on her BDay - so as it will not pass without marking the day with any kind of memorable event....  so I planned.... at first I thought it was not to be so as she had a little bit of accident at her home before coming to me....   but after an hour's rest... she woke up with a smile and asked: "When can I wear my Sofia dress?"  Her birthday present from me.... Put it on her, much to her delight and she said:  "let's go out!  I want to show everyone my Princess Gown!"   Not sure if she is really OK already, I decided to just walk over to Dajia Riverside Park... get some fresh air and take a few shots....  She was in Heaven... acting as if she is really Sofia....
This was not enough...  she remembered my promise...  Hello Kitty Cafe for her 4th BDay....   since this was already on my schedule, and she seems to be doing fine...  off we went....   take the bus and walked a couple of blocks over to the Hello Kitty Heaven....  the whole time she is in full Sofia costume, high heels even!!!  Such a delight to see her happily stroll the streets in her costume....   savoring every minute of it....  Made the whole trek worth it for me...  it mattered not that the food was not really that great....   and a bit overpriced....  every minute spent, as I can see in Juju's eyes, was like being in her idea of Heaven!!!
The night did not end there... she is still energetic, raring to go... and wanted to still be walking the streets in her Princess costume....  so we walked a bit more....  stopped by a Temple to give thanks....  and walked to Breeze Center to window shop and take a few more photos....  Juju was in heaven, remembering I have taken her here before....  loved the Castle looking buildings in the backdrop so she wanted to take loads of photos.... and she even chatted up with a few passers by - in Chinese and in English - proudly explaing why she is dressed as Sofia, The First! 
Oh such simple pleasures that packs loads of delights!
Mission Accomplished! The day turned out to be as memorable to me, as it is for Juju....
  and for her 5th BDay - I already promised The Barbie Cafe... LOL!!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Careful the things we say...

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” –Proverbs 18:21
"Give thy thoughts no tongue."
There is nothing that so much gratifies an ill tongue as when it finds an angry heart.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sweet Sunday All!

"Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured,
yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment,
and offer you more joy than any material possession could."
-Barbara de Angelis
 #Positivities #Love

Been a while since i posted...  Must catch up...  
Let's start with something about Love - always a great start!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

RIP Mr. Williams

Thank you for the many years of laughter - from Television to Movies... and in life....   You are one of the most talented actors I have admired, and a fine humanitarian.    You will be missed but your legacy will live on for years to come.   You will be Forever Remembered!
3 Quotes from Mr Williams:

"You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it."

“I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.”

"See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time."

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hump Day Hotties

It's that day of the week again... Hump Day Wednesday - truly most everyone's Fave Day of the week...  Myself included.  So here's a few shots to get the adrenalin going...
Tony Ward - still keeping the temperatures Hot!

Newest Wonder Woman looking Amozonian Hot!

It matters not that he is not in any state of undress...  Colton Haunes is Always Smoking Hot!!!

Poster Art for SyFy Channels Dominion Series!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Happy Pride 2014

A Beautiful Fun and Safe Weekend To You All Celebrating Gay Pride
in your Necknof the Rainbow!!!  Be Proud!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Manila for My Special Day!!!

Yep, decided to spend my Birthday in Manila for a few reasons: 
-mainly because the last time I hot to celebrate my BDay with my sis was almost 10 years ago..  Back in 2005.  Her BDay is June 8th, while mine is June 9th.  

-secondly,  i decided that as a gift to myself on my BDay, I will get a Full Physical Check Up - something I have not done longer than celebrating BDays with my sis...  LOL

So the day after my arrival, I spent pretty much the whole day at My Healthway Clinic - getting the works.,,  "Top to Bottom" as they call it!    Of course it was a bit scary...  But as always, once I have decided, I just go for it and go with the flow..  And Hope for the Best!  

I got the blood works done...  Urinalysis and fecalysis..  ECG...  UltraSound and a few others i really do nit know the names of..  All done in one day - just need to wait till Monday, my actual BDay, to get my results... 
with all that out of the day - it was on to Bataan to celebrate my sister's and my BDays quietly....

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Suddenly, it's June!!!

My, My, My How Time Flies....    already my Birthday month....  already we are nearing the end of the first half of 2014!   Seems like am always on the go....  to this am not complaining... I welcome more travel this month and the next half of the year.....   As for the ups and downs of life....  heck, bring it on... will deal with it and go with the flow as I always have done so....  for I do agree and believe, that everything in life works out in the end and that "It Gets Better!"
Have A Great Month of June All!!!