Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Manila for My Special Day!!!

Yep, decided to spend my Birthday in Manila for a few reasons: 
-mainly because the last time I hot to celebrate my BDay with my sis was almost 10 years ago..  Back in 2005.  Her BDay is June 8th, while mine is June 9th.  

-secondly,  i decided that as a gift to myself on my BDay, I will get a Full Physical Check Up - something I have not done longer than celebrating BDays with my sis...  LOL

So the day after my arrival, I spent pretty much the whole day at My Healthway Clinic - getting the works.,,  "Top to Bottom" as they call it!    Of course it was a bit scary...  But as always, once I have decided, I just go for it and go with the flow..  And Hope for the Best!  

I got the blood works done...  Urinalysis and fecalysis..  ECG...  UltraSound and a few others i really do nit know the names of..  All done in one day - just need to wait till Monday, my actual BDay, to get my results... 
with all that out of the day - it was on to Bataan to celebrate my sister's and my BDays quietly....

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