Saturday, June 28, 2014

Happy Pride 2014

A Beautiful Fun and Safe Weekend To You All Celebrating Gay Pride
in your Necknof the Rainbow!!!  Be Proud!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Manila for My Special Day!!!

Yep, decided to spend my Birthday in Manila for a few reasons: 
-mainly because the last time I hot to celebrate my BDay with my sis was almost 10 years ago..  Back in 2005.  Her BDay is June 8th, while mine is June 9th.  

-secondly,  i decided that as a gift to myself on my BDay, I will get a Full Physical Check Up - something I have not done longer than celebrating BDays with my sis...  LOL

So the day after my arrival, I spent pretty much the whole day at My Healthway Clinic - getting the works.,,  "Top to Bottom" as they call it!    Of course it was a bit scary...  But as always, once I have decided, I just go for it and go with the flow..  And Hope for the Best!  

I got the blood works done...  Urinalysis and fecalysis..  ECG...  UltraSound and a few others i really do nit know the names of..  All done in one day - just need to wait till Monday, my actual BDay, to get my results... 
with all that out of the day - it was on to Bataan to celebrate my sister's and my BDays quietly....

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Suddenly, it's June!!!

My, My, My How Time Flies....    already my Birthday month....  already we are nearing the end of the first half of 2014!   Seems like am always on the go....  to this am not complaining... I welcome more travel this month and the next half of the year.....   As for the ups and downs of life....  heck, bring it on... will deal with it and go with the flow as I always have done so....  for I do agree and believe, that everything in life works out in the end and that "It Gets Better!"
Have A Great Month of June All!!!