Sunday, March 9, 2014

Just a Couple of GooFBaLlS!!!

"We are Sparta!!!!"
I think it is already no surprise to anyone how when am with Juju, rain or shine, we still pretty take advantage of the day and we make our own kind of FUN!  We try to still go out and see where our feet and our umbrellas would take us....  and at times when the weather is really bad and we have no choice but, so as to not go too crazy, we just do goofy to be stuck at home, we get goofy and just do some  selfies...  and to PROVE it, here's a few outtakes...  LOL!!!
On The Bus!
"At The Park!"
"Bored Out of Our Heads at Home!!!"
Yellow Mellow
Yep....  that is just how we entertain ourselves and each other....  
and so far, so good...

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