Tuesday, January 28, 2014

KHH for CNY!!!

Been here since Saturday already for a week ling stay for Chinese New Year...  Back in Taipei on the 31st....  Though it will be in the midst of Chinese New Year, scheduling conflicts dictates we Head back to Taipei on the 31st...  So we make the most of our tine here now...
Quite different now, with Todd already working and coming home very late each day...  And Johnny is in the military now and can only spend this coming Thurs n Friday with us...  So we are basically left with Juju, who came down with us...  Grandma n Grandpa...  Plus Liya n the Doggies...  But we did get to see Todd and his GF, Wan Tung , for a couple of days as it was the weekend...
Even got to have all our hair trimmed!!!
Weather's been great - much, much better than Taipei...   So we have been doing a lot of walking here n there...  Got to even run a few laps at the school Sunday night... 
  And of course, eating... But that goes without saying...  LOL!

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