By now am pretty sure all of us have heard of the most recent and most devastating disaster that has befallen the Visayas region of the Philippines. As stated, Typhoon Yolanda or Typhoon Haiyan, as it more commonly known worldwide, proved to be the most ferocious typhoon to hit anywhere in the world for a very long time.
Everywhere else in the world, it would have proven a disaster of major proportions. With The Philippines being surrounded by bodies of water - the magnitude increased two folds. Reports are now stating, it could even be worse than the Tsunami that hit South East Asia a few years back. No confirmed number of deaths so far - as soooo many are still missing... but with towns totally demolished with nothing left standing - initial estimates are well in the 10,000 lives lost.
5 days after the Haiyan wreck havoc in the Islands, so much chaos still ensues... with lots of people still homeless and hungry... even worse, CNN's Anderson Cooper, who is on hand reports that in one of the places hit the worst - no relief aids can be seen, nor government aids... and this cause for more tensions - with local medias and government attacking Mr Cooper and company.... the lack or slow pace the government is taking in sending in help, or making way for the relief goods/help to reach the victims is truly deplorable, disheartening, and making people feel so much more hopelessness about the situation... Couple this with the public concerns about the DONATION/FUNDS getting to the rightful people, and not the pocket of the politicians arises more concerns... Totally warranted and understandable, due to the latest round of PORK BARREL SCANDAL, hovering over the Philippine government - with so many Political Figures involved.
It scares me to think/know that some of my friends in foreign countries - and even some fellow Kababayans (countrymen) - are apprehensive about donating... this is a BAD THING as we all know - no mater how SMALL an amount our contributions are - they do go along way in helping out the victims. My only advice is to: "Be Aware, Make Our Contributions Count." Mainly it is all about getting the donations to the proper channels... this we can do so by going through some of the most reputable relief aid institutions: Unicef, WHO, RED CROSS, & WFP - to name a few... there are others so please be SMART and GIVE WISELY. Make our CHANGE help CHANGE LIVES!!!
So sadly, due to these matters discussed above: are the victims to suffer even more so? Was it not enough that so many lives and livelihood were lost from Typhoon Haiyan? I for one, am so frustrated and disgruntled over all the reports of late... to a point that I try not to read anymore.... Who cares about the bitterness Ms Korinna Sanchez feels over Mr Cooper's statements? At this point, who cares about how slow or uninformed the government was in preventing so much of what went on? Instead, work together... focus on getting aids to all the needies.... making sure they have clean water, food and a place to sleep in.... Get the Donations and Reliefs goods to the right places.... Yes, this is all easier said than done, but if we do not work together... if we do not let go of our EGOs... and more importantly, if we do not focus on the more important matter: THE VICTIMS!!! - chaos will ensue and more lives will be lost... Let us avoid escalating the chaos and disaster even more than necessary...
A Letter of Note that I wanted to share... this one is from one of Philippine Cinemas\'s esteemed directors, Peque Gallaga... what he wrote, am sure, is something most Filipinos have thought of (Rightly so!), but could not put into words... well, here it is - well, written , honest and direct.... Peque Gallaga"s Letter
am not well versed in Philippine Cinema, not even sure if I have seen any of his movies, but will surely look them up, but I salute him for his letter and being brave enough to Go Against The Flow and Voice Out his feelings... not be trapped in the "Don't Speak Out Showbiz policy, fearing backlashes from the Goverment and the Industry."
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