Wednesday, April 17, 2013

wouldn't you know it - HUMP DAY AGAIN!!!

OMG!!!  I cannot believe it has been almost a month since my LAST ENTRY.....  where have all the time gone by..... and why soooooo fast???   So here I am trying to catch up once more....  and of course, starting with another HUMP DAY entry... of course, that is ALWAYS a good place to start... am sure no one is complaining....
Last week I was able to catch up with SPARTACUS SEASON 4 - now, anyone's seen the show knows that it is never lacking of BLOOD, SWEAT and STEAMY SEXY SCENES....  and though, Season's past have eluded to GAY LOVE - none, quite like the one in Season 4....   where a couple of MAJOR Secondary Male Characters are indeed, IN LOVE... IN LUST... and are more than HAPPY TO SHOW IT!!!
Here's a few photos I have recently found on the NET....  enough for this week's HUMP DAY POST!!!

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