Wednesday, February 20, 2013

we all need RAIN!!!

Not Mother Nature's downpour, mind you - but we need the other kind that gets us all Hot, Bothered and Wet - Korean pop Singer Rain, that is!!!
I have not seen much of him lately, since he signed up for his required Military service...  last thing I saw him in was the movie Ninja Assassin...  a couple or so years back....  But at Carrefour today, I say a Life sized cut out of him sporting some really low risers - endorsing some Men's Hygiene product, Mentholatum....   his pants were so low you could almost see eternity....  I would have taken a snap of it but I quite shy,  it was during lunch hour and Carrefour was quite busy... 
Of course, I GOOGLED just as soon as I got home....  the Ad Campaign photos are not new... but they are Fresh as Rain....  Fresh enough to warrant a Blog Entry for this week's HUMP DAY!

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