Friday, February 8, 2013


The day before the night before Chinese New Year.... All of Kaohsiung is abuzz with folks buying their last minute necessities to make way for the welcoming of the Chinese New Year... Am sure it is pretty much the same the world over, anywhere there is a large Chinese Community anyway...

Still battling a cold but been able to take part on a few of these running about and even got to snap a few photos... Which made the day go by faster - especially since the boys (Todd n Johnny) are both busy at work and do not have time to hang out with us yet.

Visited a couple of markets...Picked up a few things... New Running Shoes even - best time to buy Anything as all Department Stores have Chinese New Year Sale...

Ready to RUN into the Chinese Ne Year with my Brand New Spanking Running Shoes!!!

Tomorrow, the night before Chinese New Year, the real madness begins!!!

1 comment:

  1. add me in viber or line: lawandstyle
