Thursday, January 24, 2013

Silver Linings

Just caught this last night on DVD....  I had no idea what this film was about, really - bought the DVD simply because I heard the 2 main actors are Oscar Shoo Ins - as well, as the film itself...  and of course, since the main actor is a FAVE HOTTIE of mine: Bradley Cooper.   Let me tell you, sometimes it is BEST not to expect anything, then one can just go with the movie and enjoy it so much more for what it is!
The movie is very well written....  the family drama, the conflicts, even the light moments all makes sense.... of those films that pretty much ran the gamut - from heavy drama to comedy...  which is why I understand now, why the movie and all involved were lumped in the  MUSICAL/COMEDY category in the recent Golden Globes - the drama was subtle but packs a wallop.
BRAVO all around to all actors - principal and supporting.... much deserved OSCAR Nominations - yes, even for the Mother! Bradley Cooper is just getting better and better as an actor....  I do not often get to see him in dramas - but he can totally carry the weight of it all...  he is cvery much so, a capable actor and given the right roles - he can only shine so much more....  and ma how handsome and sexy he is.   Jennifer Lawrence, for me was a revelation.... as if am watching a different actress from the one who played Mystique and Kat of Hunger Games... and then there's Rober DeNiro - what more can one say about this guy...   truly one of the best actors of all time - he never misses!!!

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