Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Surprise Getaway

This is that time of the year when Shaun seems to get a few perks from various companies, through his work... All in the name of Happy Chinese New Year, of course.. :)
The ride is always a treat....  easy access....  plus the Special Train that takes you from BeiTou to Shin-BeiTou, the actual HAVEN for various luxurious hotels and hot springs is just too CUTE....   the Trains are painted in fun and colorful styles depicting the various activities one can do in the area...  The station are also decorated with Fun Art Installations - also using the theme of relaxation and hot springs....  These fun displays, as well as the view from the leisure walk, are truly eye catching took us a bit of time to actually get to our Hotel....

Always one to share, this time around we get to trek to Beitou for an overnight stay at this luxurious Hot Springs Hotel: Grand View Resort.  What a place it is....  soooo LUXURIOUS and pretty and serene....  Maybe it is because it is a Monday - or the HIGH RATEs for accommodation (About $400US a nite!) - but the place seemed empty....  as if aside from the staff, we were the only other inhabitants at the time.  Makes it even more FUN and RELAXING to be there...   Not only do we get to outdoor Hot Springs - our Suite also have a couple of Private Hot Springs overlooking the mountain scenery and the perfect place to catch the beautiful sunset....
The FUN Ride to BeiTou
Good Thing I can take my work everywhere and anywhere for the most part.... A fine way to start the work week, if I may say so myself!!!
Gorgeous, Gorgeous Suite!

Now this is what I call a Surprise Getaway Break!!!
Complete with a Beautiful Sunset to Boot!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Fun Friday!

Yesterday was break for me from the work week....   got to go to the GYM....  got to do some work....  then had a tasty lunch with Sue - complete with Goodies and Fun Chat!
A bit later, had a nice FRESH BAKED BISCOTTI Surprise courtesy of Mr Wu.... 
plus a Matinee of "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters" at the MIRAMAR Complex....
...then it was back to work...  and a trek to the Library with Juju in tow....

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Silver Linings

Just caught this last night on DVD....  I had no idea what this film was about, really - bought the DVD simply because I heard the 2 main actors are Oscar Shoo Ins - as well, as the film itself...  and of course, since the main actor is a FAVE HOTTIE of mine: Bradley Cooper.   Let me tell you, sometimes it is BEST not to expect anything, then one can just go with the movie and enjoy it so much more for what it is!
The movie is very well written....  the family drama, the conflicts, even the light moments all makes sense.... of those films that pretty much ran the gamut - from heavy drama to comedy...  which is why I understand now, why the movie and all involved were lumped in the  MUSICAL/COMEDY category in the recent Golden Globes - the drama was subtle but packs a wallop.
BRAVO all around to all actors - principal and supporting.... much deserved OSCAR Nominations - yes, even for the Mother! Bradley Cooper is just getting better and better as an actor....  I do not often get to see him in dramas - but he can totally carry the weight of it all...  he is cvery much so, a capable actor and given the right roles - he can only shine so much more....  and ma how handsome and sexy he is.   Jennifer Lawrence, for me was a revelation.... as if am watching a different actress from the one who played Mystique and Kat of Hunger Games... and then there's Rober DeNiro - what more can one say about this guy...   truly one of the best actors of all time - he never misses!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

UNIQLO Field Blouson

Loving this new UNIQLO acquisition of ours - Men's Field Blouson!  
This one was actually purchased in UniQlo, Philippines - did not see it in Taiwan's UniQlo shops at all over the Holidays - so am quite Happy we were able to venture to their shops in Manila....   The style is so versatile - works with casual clothing, as well as, semi-formal look.   The jacket comes in 4 color variations - Black, Beige, Orange and Blue....  it was a toss up between Orange (seemingly the HOT COLOR right now) and the Blue - a striking shade of Royal Blue.  The latter won and am satisfied with the choice as in this shade - it becomes a classic piece, to be worn for many Winter/Spring Seasons to come....
Direct Link to UniQlo's "Field Blouson" Collection - CLICK HERE!

Humpy Wednesday!

This the week is possibly my MOST FAVE TIME to post....  simply because to ADMIRE & SHARE a few EYE CANDIES...  without feeling any GUILT!  Hehehehehehe....  On that note here's my choices for the week:
BECKS modeling his H&M line for all of us to OGLE!
Jake Cuenca - Not really so much into him lately...
but I do love this shot plus the Bench Undies he's got on.
A model for a local company in Manila - love his Tats!
and just because I just saw The Paperboy on DVD - Zac!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

catching up....

Just back from a trip to Manila....  boy oh boy, am I behind in blogging....  already the 22nd of January and this is only my 3rd entry... and the second one is INCOMPLETE....  where has the time gone???
This should have been my RESOLUTION for the year - have more downtime, so I can do the things I enjoy...  things that calms and relaxes me.... - such as blogging....  well, I can only try to be better from this moment on...

So, on that note, am restarting off with a few quotable quotes that I wish to LIVE BY and sharing it with you all.....

This one below is from the PREVIOUS YEARS but still very much WORTH KEEPING IN MIND!

KHH: Jan 2013

Started off the year with a week long (almost!) trip to Kaohsiung... Took the speed train early morning of the 3rd... Got to KHH for a quickie lunch, then on our 2 car rentals, headed on even further South: Kenting...

The 2 hr plus drive was blessed with beautiful ocean side views and a sunset.,. Plus nice stops for Java, delicacies, photo ops, and even a Temple stop.... Then we arrived at our Hot Springs destination, and refuge for the night.. Just in time for a dip in the Hot Springs to end the night.., but of course, the warm hot waters got us all hungry and we made a dash for some more delicacies for a midnight snack!

The following day, a local sumptuous breakfast greeted us, then it was another dip in the Hot Springs... It was way past 1pm when we finally checked out and be on our way for lunch and the drive back to Kaohsiung.,,


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Jan 1st, 2012

In a little over an hour, the Holidays will be officially over.....  another year has ended and another one has begun...  Have survived another End of the World threat...  Have survived another year....  Overall, 2012 - the DRAGON year - was not so very good to me....  too many things happened...  too much losses....   To think it was my year, as I was born the year of the Dragon...   I can only hope the SNAKE year I will fare better....   Ironically, am scared of Snakes!!!  EEEEK!!!
I was a bit weirded out by this year's Holidays...  even the main reason why I opted not to go to Manila - first time in the last soooo many years....   with Mom gone, I felt it would be too sad to be there... not to mention, same time last year, I was with her and saw her go through some of the most painful days of her battle with cancer...   Still, I did get a bit homesick, XMas has a way of doing this to us, I suppose....  didn't someone say that, "XMas is the time of the year when most gets really homesick -- even when they are home...."  This I felt very much....   still, I managed....  survived....  and even enjoyed the Holidays - as much as I could....  Thanks to my family and friends here in Taipei, of course....   They helped make me forget some of the pains of 2012...  the longing....  the emptiness....   Helped me get through....  for this am Grateful!!!
So, on to 2013....  am ready.... as ready as I could be....  I just Hope and Pray that it will be a better year for me - for everyone....  if not Great, at least smoother....  already it is shaping up to be a busy one with upcoming trips to Kaohsiung and Manila....  and hopefully, the US sometime soon, too!!!   Here's hoping... and on that note, I bid you all a...