Monday, December 10, 2012

we're not ready!!!

Where has the time gone???   it felt like DEC just started and now already the 15th and I have not even been able to put up a Christmas tree!!!  Boo Hoo....

Well actually, I have had a Tree for the last 3 days now... yes, I finally broke down and got a tree for a change... not just the bare white branches I have been using the last few years... not that am tired of it, I actually LOVE it and still have it set aside....  But for a change, I opted for a real tree - one that I could put lights and decorations - something I have not really done in a long time.... 
Am mainly doing it for Juju and some other kiddies that will be coming around for the Holidays....  always great to see their eyes light up when they see the XMas tree for the first time... and the eyes lite up, as the tree lights are lit....  sooooooo worth it.....   not even done yet and you can already hear JUJU saying: "WOW"!
Okay now for why am I not done yet....  it isn't because I am working slowly here...  I actually have all I need since Friday... ornaments, garland, ribbons, tree topper,  etc... all except for XMas lights...  something as ordinary as a regular strand of clear lights that twinkles, on a white cord...   simple request - you would think...  but three days in a row...  run around all over Taipei and I have not had any luck getting any....  mostly green corded lights and the ones on white cords are just way too advance - hence, too expensive....  even did another run in a couple of places with Juju today on the hint for the said lights....  NO SUCH LUCK....  not even IKEA had them........waaaah....
Just waiting for those darn lights!!!  Grrrrrr......
Lyn came to the rescue - she got online and searched for just what I wanted and found them...  Luckily enough they have a next day delivery service so they should come in tomorrow and I should have my Tree done by the end of the evening ....  WOO HOO!!!

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