Friday, November 16, 2012

Movies - Take Me Away!!!

Today was somewhat of a FRUSTRATING DAY....  I mean it did not start of so - did my work, cleaned up a bit, then got ready for a Lite Lunch with Juliana....   Had our lunch - nice and tasty... and great chats, of course.....  then we both hack to work for 3 PM appointments...  Her's for interviews she has to do at work, and I to accept a delivery from CHINA I had been waiting for since last week....    my way to lunch, the Courier company called and set the delivery time....
Anyway, was home about 10 minutes before 3PM....  even called the courier company to tell them am home and waiting - and to this they just said OK....   an hour had passed andcome, so I called....  then I wast ready and cannot give me an exact time they were coming - but that they will come....  not wanting to miss the delivery opportunity, as the weekend is approaching too - and would have had to wait till MONDAY again if this was missed - I hung on and waited and waited and waited....  it was finally delivered - after 6:30PM....  3 and 1/2 hours late - with no advisory whatsoever....  and as you all know - WAITING IS NOT A VIRTUE OF MINE - so this left me frustrated...
I totally missed the showing of a movie I have a PASS for....   it was too late to GYM and already too dark to go for a run...  was going to meet Juju and her Mom for dinner but instead they had to meet up with some friends - other Moms with kiddies....    I was left with nothing but feeling a lot of frustrations.....  So I walked and walked and walked... and decided THE MOVIES....  it is always a GREAT ESCAPISM for me....  so why not go to the movies....   with not much playing here right now....  already saw 007 and Magic Mike - and I was too tired to be reading subtitles - I opted for Breaking Dawn Part 2....   Not really a follower... and a couple of entries I did get to see, I was neither awed or moved... just OK...  but sometimes, just OK is better than NOTHING....   and I was glad I went...  this, SUPPOSEDLY, last installment to the SAGA was not too bad...  though it borders on predictability, boredom and hokeyness - I just went with it... let it take me away - and my frustrations away... 
and so  that makes my THANKFUL ENTRY #16: THE MOVIES!!!
-whether in the Big Screen or in the privacy of your own home... With a group of people or alone... Be it Drama, Comedy, Animation, Science Fiction, Love Story, Action or Foreign... Big Budget Hollywood style or Indie... ...
The Movies are still one of the Best form of Escapism...
THANKFUL 15. THE WARM FUZZY FEELINGS WE GET! And that is just what I got watching the Please MeiMei Tree Lighting Event... 
Brought back Sweet Memories of those I witnessed in the Bay Area growing up.... 
Truly makes the Heart Sparks - just when one needs it the most!!!  
COMPLETE PHOTOS HERE: Please MeiMei Tree Lighting Event

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