Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Quick Hump Day Entry!

Channing Tatum must really be THANKING  above now....  not only is he PEOPLE magazine's SEXIEST MAN ALIVE for 2012,  GQ also got him on the cover as their MAN OF THE YEAR!!!
We pretty much know that all of these, comes from the recent success of his film Magic Mike - so Mr. Tatum, if you are taking notes, get MAGIC MIKE 2 going already!!!

5 More to be Thankful for!!!

Been a busy week....  doing lots of running around so am a bit behind... but that does not mean I did not have anything to be THANKFUL for... so am FILLING IN the last five days before Thanksgiving, starting with TODAY...
Day 21. FRIENDSHIPS -and that includes Past, Present. & Future... And yes, FB Friends and throw in the Haters too - for Good Measure!

Everyone, directly or indirectly, have contributed to who I am...   Shared Joys n Sorrows, and everything in between... Thank You All!
Day 20.XMAS TREATS -yep, one by one they do come back to brighten and sweeten up the Holiday Season!!!
Day 19.METRO ART -For me, the BEST thing about riding the METRO in Taipei is not how fast it can get me to where am going, but to be treated to some of the BEST FREE ART around..... every stop with a different theme by some of the local (known, as well as, up and coming artists)... Just Feasts for the eyes!!!
Day  18.RUNNING -possibly my most Fave form of exercise, since my High School days... Not only is it really good to keep the heart pumping and the calories burning, Running always helps me clear my mind... Think of ideas and solutions... And just really energizes me...

And it helps when you have this convenient, beautiful riverside park to run...
Day 17.HOUSE CHORES -Not that I really like doing them - but in a way, it does keep me grounded... and when am focusing on the task at hand - I clear my mind of everything else.....

Friday, November 16, 2012

Movies - Take Me Away!!!

Today was somewhat of a FRUSTRATING DAY....  I mean it did not start of so - did my work, cleaned up a bit, then got ready for a Lite Lunch with Juliana....   Had our lunch - nice and tasty... and great chats, of course.....  then we both hack to work for 3 PM appointments...  Her's for interviews she has to do at work, and I to accept a delivery from CHINA I had been waiting for since last week....    my way to lunch, the Courier company called and set the delivery time....
Anyway, was home about 10 minutes before 3PM....  even called the courier company to tell them am home and waiting - and to this they just said OK....   an hour had passed andcome, so I called....  then I wast ready and cannot give me an exact time they were coming - but that they will come....  not wanting to miss the delivery opportunity, as the weekend is approaching too - and would have had to wait till MONDAY again if this was missed - I hung on and waited and waited and waited....  it was finally delivered - after 6:30PM....  3 and 1/2 hours late - with no advisory whatsoever....  and as you all know - WAITING IS NOT A VIRTUE OF MINE - so this left me frustrated...
I totally missed the showing of a movie I have a PASS for....   it was too late to GYM and already too dark to go for a run...  was going to meet Juju and her Mom for dinner but instead they had to meet up with some friends - other Moms with kiddies....    I was left with nothing but feeling a lot of frustrations.....  So I walked and walked and walked... and decided THE MOVIES....  it is always a GREAT ESCAPISM for me....  so why not go to the movies....   with not much playing here right now....  already saw 007 and Magic Mike - and I was too tired to be reading subtitles - I opted for Breaking Dawn Part 2....   Not really a follower... and a couple of entries I did get to see, I was neither awed or moved... just OK...  but sometimes, just OK is better than NOTHING....   and I was glad I went...  this, SUPPOSEDLY, last installment to the SAGA was not too bad...  though it borders on predictability, boredom and hokeyness - I just went with it... let it take me away - and my frustrations away... 
and so  that makes my THANKFUL ENTRY #16: THE MOVIES!!!
-whether in the Big Screen or in the privacy of your own home... With a group of people or alone... Be it Drama, Comedy, Animation, Science Fiction, Love Story, Action or Foreign... Big Budget Hollywood style or Indie... ...
The Movies are still one of the Best form of Escapism...
THANKFUL 15. THE WARM FUZZY FEELINGS WE GET! And that is just what I got watching the Please MeiMei Tree Lighting Event... 
Brought back Sweet Memories of those I witnessed in the Bay Area growing up.... 
Truly makes the Heart Sparks - just when one needs it the most!!!  
COMPLETE PHOTOS HERE: Please MeiMei Tree Lighting Event

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

By the Hair on my Skin!!!

Whoah!   3 days without entries... not that there were none to be Thankful for - just too much on my plate... and on the mind....  been wrestling with soooooo much...  emotional and mental baggage....   on top of work and the daily grind which is called Life....  sometimes things really leave me CONFUSED or WONDERING WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO MY LIFE???
All came to a HALT today - all day long the mind was elsewhere - thinking of too many things that left me mentally and emotionally wasted.... one minute I was just doing my daily chores, then next am an emotional wreck...  Guess left on my own, am bound to really STOP, TAKE A LOOK and LISTEN TO MY THOUGHTS....  and of late, they are just TOO SAD.....  
Even almost got run over this afternoon...  I knew that without fail when crossing streets, I always look to the right, then the left, then the right again....   it's a NO BRAINER - but for some reason that is not what happened today....  a car stopped just to my left side - just missing me by the hair of my skin...   okay, I do not think I would have died as it was a residential area - so the car was not moving too fast.... but fast enough to warrant a really loud screeching from breaking....  WHEW!!! 
Needless to say, that left me frazzled even more for the rest of the evening....   so to try and calm down and sooth the soul, I took a loooong walk by the river, Dajia Riverside Park - always a GREAT place for a walk on breezy clear nites....  it TRULY soothes the Soul and makes one forget about everything else... just nice to take in the lovely lighted pathways....   people happily walking, running, biking....  and taking in the Fresh Clean Air!!!
-always a nice treat to get that extra boost of caffeine in the afternoon... Nice way to break the work day... And in Taipei, one can never run out of choices - lots of coffee/cafe havens here!!!
THANKFUL.13: Good Food with Great Friends
-Especially when everyone's schedule is such that  finding a time for a Get Together with (almost) all is quite trying....

Sunday, November 11, 2012


For this 11th Day, I want to give thanks for San Ming Community Center Gym....  
San Ming Have been the BEST place to get a good work out for the last 5 years...  at least....   Not only is it convenient to our home - only 15 minutes away by walking - which gives us NO EXCUSE NOT TO WORKOUT - COME RAIN OR SHINE...  But it really is a pleasant place to go as most of the time, one need not wait too long for a Machine or the weights - if you even have to wait.....   Plus as an added bonus, with it located on the 9th floor - Great Views of the city can be admired from all sides of the place....
...and though it has been a gloomy, rainy Sunday in Taipei - I really cannot complain as e to enjoy the day....   Went to church as I do most Sunday....  then afterwards, we took in 0t adventure, SKYFALL - via IMAX Theatre even!!!   Truly one of the BEST BOND film ever - in a looong time, EVER!!!   Daniel Craig as 007, as always, embodies true Manliness - and embracing getting on in years just makes him even more of an Idol for both Male and Female fans....  Long Live 007!!!
After the movie - it was time to treat the rumbling in the tummy with some good old HOT WONTON Soup and Peanut Sauce Noodles....   All of these add up to a PERFECT cold & rainy day.....  

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Home Cooked Meals

Thankful Day 10 is all about delicious home cooked meals.... Nowadays, with Chef David's busy work schedule - he does not get to treat us to some scrumptious meals often...
So when he does, like today, we are all THANKFUL!!'
Was treated to a showing of the movie I have been wanting to see, "Gf*Bf" - Shaun was able to find it online and downloaded for me to see....  No English subtitles but heck, at this point this did not matter so much anymore... I sat through the whole thing....  loving every minute of the film.....   it was everything I expected and imagined it to be... and more.....  Great acting from everyone.....  Very nicely filmed and directed.....  and just love the SUBTLETIES in the dramatic parts....  this made for an even heartfelt storytelling....  TWO THUMBS UP for the film, indeed!!!!
Then  to we drove over later in the afternoon, to visit the Lin An Tai Historical Homes and Museum....  This place is only half an hour away....  and such a beautiful and peaceful place to visit....   as if one is transported to a different time....   besides the Old Style Houses, Gardens, and Gazebos - lots of Antique furniture and knick display....  and of course, historical notes on ancient traditions....
...was even treated to this beautiful Sunset!!!
Capped off the nite with some goodies form the night market for dinner....  then happened upon an Indian Dance Public Performance - so got to enjoy that, too.....   Overall, it was a nice day....  I should not have anything to complain about.....   well....

Friday, November 9, 2012


Thanksful.9 : PREMIUM TOYS
-cuteness overload and the hunt -collecting stickers for them - is always a fun challenge!!
As most of you know, I have been collecting them for years....  and have amassed quite a collection already....  But how can I Stop?  They just keep putting out more and more CUTENESS!!!   Even got Jewel to start loving Doraemon & Open Chang - all from collecting these PREMIUM TOYS!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


yes, that is!!!  My entry on this 8th Day to be THANKFUL: SWEET TREATS!!!
-Simply because they make every meal, and of course my life, even sweeter!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


 In keeping with HUMP DAY, today am going to be THANKFUL for all the
EYE CANDIES - Past, Present & Future!!!
 -just because they make LIFE more FUN and ENTERTAINING! LOL
Early lunch today....  did not even get to the GYM this morning... boo hoo....  Todd is going back to Kaohsiung so we needed to have an early start, feed him, before he takes the long bus ride back.....   Lunch was at PARCO, Italian Restaurant, in the neighborhood....  not bad at all, especially for the price....  the Lunch Set Menus are very affordable, tasty,  
and the portions are BIIIG.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Birthdays & Birthday Cakes!!!
"Happy Birthday, Xiaomei!!!"
Birthdays are always a very nice BREAK from the daily grinds....  
... especially when they are accompanied with Birthday Cakes to Gobble Up!!!  :)

Monday, November 5, 2012


Wu Papa's diligent efforts in keeping the front of the house blooming...
Todd is up from Kaohsiung today for a couple of days....  he is on leave from his MILITARY duties...  so today we trekked over to Global Mall in Banchiao....  a first for all of us....  it was quite a ways....  though it was just a bus ride away, it was almost an hour and a half ride.... WHEW!!!
Global Mall was not too big... only 5 floors...  hardly any nice shop to speak of 'cept for UNIQLO, PORTER International, & MUJI....  the rest are nothing special to speak of....  same ones you can find in all the malls - much closer.... or even as free standing boutiques in any shopping districts....
We just made up for it  by hanging out at MISTER DONUT, always a FAVE for Juju and I....  and then an early dinner (nothing else to do or see) at GRAZIE....  not good but not too bad - just good enough to fill one up and move on.... hahahahahahahaha....

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Yep, it is that month of the year again when we all should REFLECT and SEE all that we are THANKFUL for....  and we all know, there is ALWAYS SOMETHING TO BE THANKFUL for....  So I have decided to make this "Thankful" album project on FB (THANKFUL ALBUM)....  one entry each day, one thing to be THANKFUL for each day.... 
And it could not have come at a most fitting time, too - as I woke up this Sunday to just some FRUSTRATING PMs....  nothing major, just part of the Ups and Downs of Life....  of the Business...  Snapped out of it right away SIMPLY by thinking of this project....
Nov 2nd, Friday:   Juju's Smile.
Always can brighten up any Gloomy Day...
Nov 3rd, Saturday: Traveling.
 Could never get enough of this.... so much more in the world to see, know, and experience....
Nov 4th, Sunday: Sunday Mass:
  Always a pleasure when I do make it to Church..
  Added Bonus, the soothing sounds of St. Christopher's Church Choir.
and here's the SERENITY PRAYER by Reinhold Niebuhr to ALWAYS put things into PERSPECTIVE: 
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day of the Dead

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."
1st Year to Honour the departed ones with Mom included....   am fine for the most part - but still, the longing is there....  still find myself wanting to call her.....  thinking how she is doing....  wanting to visit her.....  wanting to share what is going on with me at the moment....    No Matter...  I am sure she is looking down on me, on us - sharing our sorrows and triumphs....
Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower, We will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind. -William Wordsworth
and as we remember this day - All Soul's Day & Dia De Los Muertos - the love we shared with those who have gone, may we also cherish the moments that we share with the people still in our path.