Sunday, September 9, 2012

Looooong Days!!!

Everyday ON THE GO for me this week... Aside from the daily grind- house and work and baby sitting Juju, i was actually able to SQUEEZE a few more things..., Lunches at Gordon Birsch with Juliana... Plus Outback with Juju and family..,, Catch SAVAGES on the big screen... And even took in some oh the Fashion's Night Out Festivities ( see previous post)..... Whew!
Juju practicing her performance art by the Rainbow Bridge - Dajia Riverside...
Sept 6th: Lunch with Juliana at Gordon Birsch
Sept. 6th: Treating Juju and Todd for some McDonalds... 
 a Fave of Todd's and Juju's FAVE playground!
Sept 7th:  Steaks for lunch at the OUTBACK!!!
Then took in the MAYDAY Exhibition once more....
and capped off the night riding Miramar's Taipei Eye!
Sept 9th: Dinner @ Mitsukoshi with Juju, Todd, and Tori... 
even COLDSTONE Ice Cream
(Peanut Butter and Chocolate for me - YUMMY!!!) for dessert!!!
Next week will be just as Busy as i will be off to Korea with The Wus for a Surprise 4 day trip!!!

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