Monday, September 24, 2012

Artful Week

A favorite pastime of mine, ART WATCHING...   it is GREAT stress relieving....  and inspirational...  if you are someone like me whose taste in Art and Exhibition is sooooo varied, then you will never run out of things to see....  And one of the BEST things about living in Taipei is that, everywhere you turn, you are exposed to something artsy and/or art related....  Well after all, they did say that ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER!
First up was taking in the Barbie Exhibition, as it was ending by the 27th of this month....  over 100 Barbie dolls and accessories - from Vintage (1959) to Modern) - all on loan from local Taiwanese Designer & Personality (and a personal friend) Goji Lin...   It was GREAT seeing the exhibition...  seeing so much Barbie & Friends out on view....  sadly, for someone like me, it was quite unorganized....  no real rhyme or reason for the way all was displayed... I saw and heard quite a few oooohs and aaaaahs from many visitors - young and old....
See more of the Photos Here: Barbie Fashion Box
Next up for me was the LEGO Exhibition.... in one word: AMAZING!!!  This is not your childhood LEGO art, of course... instead, they are all AMAZING WORK intricate work of art by Nathan Sawaya - already all his LEGO work that has been exhibited worldwide.  And it isn't just that each pice consists of hundreds, and thousands even, of LEGO pieces - each ARTWORK is well thought of and even comes with such sentiments behind their creations....
The Three Pieces I Love Most from the Exhibition!

And Sunday, after Church, I decided to make is a Sunday Art Stroll by heading to the Zhongshan Underground MRT Station  Area all the way to MOCA....  always have great installations from local artists - both up and coming and well known....  the sliding gate from each shop alone are great canvases...

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