Wednesday, August 22, 2012

storm's a coming....

Judging by the clouds this early afternoon something WICKED, definitely,  this way comes...  We went from Sunny Blues Skies this morning to fast moving clouds changing colors from powdery white to darkness....... Storm's a comin, indeed....  Was actually warned by a friend on Facebook about the 2 storms heading our way: "oh my it looks like a double whammy for Taiwan with Igme then to be follow swiftly by Bolaven and a possible Fujiwara effect looming ahead."  All this sounds too scary to me.....  huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu....

Still, since I have Juju today, we took advantage of the earlier, NO RAIN YET, weather and had her Papa drop us off at Mitsukoshi in the Warner Village Area....  We window shopped....  took in the Exhibition on A9-9th Flr - only one left till the 26th of this month.... 

We took an afternoon break by sharing a MANGO ICE TREAT.... sadly for me, she chose to eat all the Mangoes and I was left with mostly the ice...waaaaaah......  Then we headed back to A8-4th Floor Kiddyland for a bit of Playtime for Juju....

We would have stayed through the night to window shop some more and play but sadly the predicted storm is already starting to make it's presence known... as soon as the first drop of rain fell, I decided we hop on the bus at once so as we can get home safely not be caught in the eye of the storm...

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