Saturday, April 21, 2012

such is life....

The last few days since coming back from Manila has been TRULY up and down....   have had sooo many mood swings I cannot even tell at times that am crying while talking with others....  embarrassing, indeed....

Trying to keep myself busy - doing all that is needed to be done...catching up.....  and even giving myself new projects....  and playing with Juju....  still, in between all of these, all my thoughts are on my MOM and the decision to be made.....  as we get closer to the end of the month, am getting even more lost to a point am getting anxiety bouts....  if only I can slow the days down..... 

Aaaaah but such is Life....  we make do with the cards handed to us....  we deal with all as best we could.....  and just Hope for the Best!

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