Weather has been quite strange again the last few days... sun, gloom, rain, sun, gloom - and just COLD AIR all throughout the days.... but am not complaining as am able to still get around.... run the errands... do work..... and enjoy my days..... even got to see The Hunger Games last Friday.....
Life, like the weather of late has been erratic, as well.... work frustrations, little happiness... disappointments..... family dramas.... and yes, even my Uncle's Death a few days ago.... am sad I do not even get to attend his funeral.... but such is life of living far away from home....
Now it is Sunday.... am having my morning coffee, sitting by the window, enjoying the beautiful blue skies.... and in a little bit it is time to get ready once more for Sunday Mass.... I can only hope the day stays like so.... both weather wise and everything else....
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