Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trying to get into the Spirits of XMas...

and the OPERATIVE word there is TRYING... :(

Most of you who knows me well, knows well enough that XMas is still my most FAVE Holiday...  ever since childhood it has been....  I love everything about it... from picking out the perfect tree for the year....  decorating it....   watching the lights glow as I admire the finished, fully decorated tree...  presents shopping.....  getting dress to visit family and friends to hang out, feast and just feel the love.....   EGG NOG, PUMPKIN COOKIES, and yes, even the FRUIT CAKE!!!  LOL....

This time around, with the way things are going with my Mom's Health, it has been so hard for me to get into the Spirits of XMas.....   less than 20 days away and I have not really put that much thought about it....   all I could think of is getting to Manila and spending XMas with my Mom, as I promised her....   and with the two recent run back to the Hospital for her, more recent one for what seems to be a mild stroke, a couple of days ago - am really more anxious to get to her.....

Right now, I am just trying to keep myself busy with work and projects.....  taking care of jewel and   roaming the city, come rain or shine, just to keep my mind clear and alo tire myself out, so as to be able to sleep - been restless the last couple of nights....

and with hopes to get more into the SPIRIT of things, I even tried to put something up to remind me more of XMAS....  played with photographing some FAVE things in XMAS themes....
and even went XMas card shopping....  now if I can only MUSTER some ENERGY (Mentally and Emotionally) to make them out in time for XMAS.....  we'll see.....

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