Friday, December 2, 2011

Okinawa Day 2

With the weather just the right amount of gloominess, and still no rain, we decided to make a day of it traveling to ocean side town of American Village.,.  to take in the views, the shops, food that reminds one of San Francisco, and dip in the famous Hot Springs/Pool of Chula U Therma Village...        

The ride was almost an hour aay by bus from our Hotel....  ...and ten minutes away from the actual town - one already gets the jist of what the American Village is about...   with the US Base around and shops looking and selling US goods....  including our FAVE that sells US Military goods: clothing, boots, posters, tees, hats, memorabilias, etc....  even McDonals Happy Meal Toys!!!!   DICKIES, brand wear abound and fly jackets in different colors and sizes are MUST HAVES!!!  And around this place, one can just window shop from one shop to the next and never tire.....
Right after the seaside lunch picnic (SUSHI, SASHIMI & fresh baked bread...) we ventured on to Chula U Therma Villa Resort ...   looks good and inviting from the outside... and yes, even more so inside....  The outdoor pools are COED shared, but there are more Private ones where Men and Women are separated - hotter springs, hotter saunas, and private showers.... which I was able to enjoy all of... :) 
But before all that, I had the HORROR - yes, HORROR! - of experiencing the FOOT DOCTOR Water Pool...   this is where you dip you feet in a pool of little fishies who FEASTS on your dead skins...  quite popular  in Japan, CHina and parts of Europe - I, myself, could not get into it....  it just tickled the HELL out of me.....  One is alloted 10 mins each dip - as there is only one pool - but I could not even last 5 mins....  I just kept squirming and giggling with each and every bite the fishes take on me....   so I had to opt out faster thn my alloted time....  All I can say is that, am glad I can FINALLY say I ahve experienced this - but, NEVER AGAIN!!!  hahahahahahaha....
Got back to Kokusai Area after 5PM....   we transfered to our new Hotel, which will be our home for the next two nights....   and took a bit of a break....  later that nite, it was back to Kokusai Street...walking up and down the long shopping Boulevard and taking in more of the flavours of NAHA.....   plus dinner, of course!!!   Retired at almost 11PM.....  another looooong day of sightseeing the next day!!!!

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