Tuesday, December 13, 2011

...not your everday encounter...

Last nite on the way to Roahe Market and WuFanFu for a bit of XMas shopping, we happen upon a Camel....  yes, you read that right, a CAMEL -  not in the ZOO mind you, not even a traveling circus but just right in the middle of Taipei City!!! 

The camel, along with a few other animals was brought out by a local Charity group to entertain and liven up their festivities for the nite... they were sponsoring an XMas gathering and feeding the homeless and the needy, and just about anyone else who care to join in on the festivities....  the people behind it were dressed in olden garbs...  same as what Mary & Joseph used to wear - and the added a few animals around to give a bit more old time feel to it all...

I was soooo AMAZED and taken aback...  Jewel on the other hand was a bit scared and would not pet/touch the camel....  still could not pass up the opportunity - still got a snap with us and the camel... :)  one to remember for years to come - am sure!!!

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