Wednesday, November 16, 2011

XMas Treats @ Mister Donut

was a rainy day the whole day yesterday....  so most of the day was spent indoors....   working...  playing with and looking after jewel...  never a good thing for me being couped up indoors for looooong periods of time....  as most of you know....   so the minute the rain let up a bit, Jewel in tow, I was out of the house.....  hahahahahahahaha...

Sadly it was already around 8PM at this time... with really no place to go - too late to hop on the bus and go to the malls... we walked over to Min Sheng Rd - to check out mags at KINGSTONE BOOKSTORE....   and just hang out....   and Jewel did a lot of her walking exercises for the day on the 3rd floor....  even walked up and down the steps - A LOT!!!  ON HER OWN!!! (Not to worry - am ALWAYS close by for support and safety...)

Just so happen that Mister Donut is next door to it...  and their XMas poster beckoned us to come in - so a good whole hour was spent eating, drinking, people watching and snapping shots....   we both LOVED sampling the new XMas mini treats - so cute in their XMas packaging - 2 varieties available....
Jewel walking....  Yummy Mister Donuts....  and XMas spirits in the air - FINALLY....  
 Sweet Treats, Indeed!!!

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