Wednesday, October 26, 2011

...lightening up the load....

Sad to report, yesterday, I posted my last photo for 365 project...  not because I am tired of the project - I LOVE 365!  the year and some days I spent were, for the most part: fun, challenging, and enjoyable.  As  I always enjoy toting the camera around, it was a great release, great place, to POST and SHARE some of my shots....  what I find interesting, different, beautiful - and in my very own perspective....  it has been great getting feedback from other snappers around the world - both professionals and amateurs, like me....  Over the period, I have met quite a few WONDERFUL PEOPLE - whose TALENTS and PHOTOS INSPIRED ME and put me in AWE....  made me do more, experiment more, and see more things differently.....  These people will be SURELY MISSED!

But true to the saying, all good things must come to an end....  permanently or temporarily, the end for 365 project and I have come....  with all that has been going on with my life, it has become too much to keep up with the project.... I always find myself lagging, frustrated and trying to catch up...  not just with my own photo entries each and every day - but with catching up on other people's work...  I have less and less time looking and admiring their work - much more commenting on most....  and this makes me SAD... and yes, the person that I am, GUILTY....   Guilty of not doing my share, my part....  so for this, I must make the hard choice of leaving the community - till I find my time permits me to do so once more....  more freely and can stay current with all....  with less pressures and less frustrations - as I must TRULY SAVE MY ENERGY....  and STOP FEELING LIKE AM RUNNING ON EMPTY - which I have been the last few months....   


and NEEDLESS to say, I would have HATED ENDING UP FEELING SOUR with the whole project....  it is BEST to leave when am HAPPY and with HAPPY THOUGHTS for the community....

So with 365 Project, I start my journey into streamlining my life... lightening up my load...  and hopefully, finding my way back to a more relaxed...   less stressful daily life....
Last Entry for 365: Dated Oct 25th, 2011

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