Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I suppose Life is not Life unless there is ISSUES between colleagues, friends, partners, and the worst kind, families....  the thing to do is to listen, fix what needs to be or can be fixed, and then move on...  need not hang on to most of it as it can truly weigh one down....

Such is what I just went through with a sibling of mine, just last week...  nope, the the elder ones but a half sibling of mine...  we did not grow up together, only spent a few childhood years together - so basically, we have lost touched and do not know each other...  Needless to say, I have never asked her for anything in my life...  and now, I wished I did not....
Last week, while in Manila, I had asked her for a favor for our Mom...  see her son is a Nurse Graduate and all we needed was for him to look at one of Mom's sores, as it was taking a long time to heal...  Mom really did not want to have to go to the hospital again and take more tests..  so we are trying to see if we can get by with just the grandkid's advice....  I even offered to pay for their travel time and such....  so, all was understood...  simple, not much to it....  she was to text me as soon as she talks with her son, and they figured out a time when to see Mom...

I did not get a text that nite... nor the following morning... instead I got a text well into the afternoon - and it was a loooong two parter text that lists all the troubles she has been going through... with her own life... her family...  with our Mom... and basically with us - her half siblings as well...   some of her words even HURT a lot...   to this I only replied: "I really do not understand all that you are saying....  I was merely asking your son for a favour for our Mother...  the whole reason for the contact is just that - not about me, not about you... just our Mom..."

Don't really think that was her focus at all... she wanted nothing of it... she went on to complain in a few more texts....  WHOAH!   I chose to keep silent... i did not want to make things worse... nor did I want to hear anything else...  I did not text back....  nor do I intend to ever again...  am only saddened and frustrated for my Mom...  really do not understand why, even at the state she is in, it still has to be this way with some of her children...   aaaaah, such is life....  we move on...  we deal... and we try to do what we can... the best we can...  that is all...

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