Monday, October 3, 2011

Flight Fright

A bit of a scare... Got to NAIA 3 in plebty of time before my flight back to Taipei earlier tonight... All's well, though crowded, check in still went smoothly.... And even with the kind of weather we have been having, the plane took of at exactly the rime it was supposed to....

25 mins into our flight, thr plane made a sharp all aroind left turn... Then the Capt came on the speakers informing us that we have just made a turn back ino Manila , and for the cabin crew to prepare the cabin for landing as we will be landing shortly... No other reason given....

After we have landed...  We taxied and got to a gate - nothing was still said... No additional info... Then, they opened up the door and finally the stewardess got on the intetcom to inform us we will be switching gates... Gates? I think she meant plane.... I hoped she meant plane....

It was plane alright.... A little pass midnite, we are boarding once more... once seated, they Captain just got on the intercom once more and apologized again for the inconvenience - without much more said about what just happened....   Oh well, what do you expect: "Budget Airline, Budgeted Info" - hahahahahahahaha........

At about 12:30AM, the time we ahould have arrived in Taipei, we took off for the 2nd time... They did say the 2nd time is a charm, right?

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