Monday, October 24, 2011

Be@rbrick Series 23

well, no real photos yet but just from the newest announcement regarding the lines for Series 23 - coming out Dec of this year - I am pretty sure am IN TROUBLE once more.... Real Steel, RUNE, Andy Warhol, - just to name a few..... they all spell EXCITING to me....

and I sure could use a bit of excitement today as most of the day was spent sleeping from this terrible cold am having now....  once again Fatigue, Frustrations and everything else has caught up with me....   and with the spirits really low, a cold has struck me...

From the photo on the left, you can see that Series 23 will include the following:
-Andy Warhol
-FRINGE (from the TV SERIES, am sure!)
-Real Steel (the Hugh Jackman movie...)
-Rilakkuma (Newest Cutie that's taken Asia by storm..)
-SONIC The Hedgehog


  1. Hey Rudi, I think the last one on the list is Muveil - a Japanese clothing brand. But what is RUNE?

  2. Hi Sue... GREAT!!! Then that's another one for me to add for sure.... hahahahahahahaha

    RUNE, is the japanese artiset, Rune Saito.... much loved, even by doll collectors as a few years back, Rune's art were issued in doll forms... also recently there is a Sugar Sugar Rune Anime - she is a magical witch.... so, it could be this, as well....
