Sunday, July 17, 2011

HP7.2 & the Ladies.....

okay okay, am probably going to get STONED for this but admittedly, am probably one of the few who did not get on the Harry Potter Bandwagon.... did not read a single book.... saw parts 1, 3, and last year's Harry Potter 7 . Part 1...

Though I did enjoy the first one, i just did not get hooked like most... so I skipped 2... but was dragged to 3.... and saw the 7th one just because there was nothing else to see at that time..... but this time, I really opted to go with the girls (Juliana, Sue & Cecilia - now, they are REAL FANS!)) to see what is to be the end - but then again, is there ever an end to something that just keep on making money??? am sure Hollywood will still find a way to bring back the franchise... in one form or another....

The movie delivered.... I actually enjoyed it very much and was entranced by all the things that was going on.... I was glued to the screen all 2 hrs plus of it.... even when that creepy snake was slithering about - and you know I cannot stand snakes... so many characters died - and not just minor ones... and though it is to be expected that GOOD will TRIUMPH OVER EVIL - you actually HOPED for this throughout.... this is nothing like the first kiddie one I saw many years ago.... it is more mature, darker, and much much more emotional... now I wish there would be a follow up....

Seeing was a total experience too.... so many people lined up to get tickets for the early show - under the heat of the beating sun.... still, you see nothing but excitement in their faces.... and in the theatre - you see how they really get into the film.... clapping, agitated and yes, crying.... I have not seen so many audiences get this emotionally involved since ET phoned home... LOL..... NOTE: TWILLIGHT SAGA does not count - another franchise I never got into... LOL....


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